r Matloob Piracha is an eminent scholar with international standing in the areas of labour migration and has published widely in these areas in some of the leading economics journals like the Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Development Studies, World Development, Economic Modelling, Papers in Regional Science, and International Migration etc. Dr Piracha is a Senior Lecturer(Associate Professor) of economics at the University of Kent, Managing Director of Global Labor Organization (GLO) and Research Fellow of the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA, Bonn). Dr Piracha's research has had a strong scholarly and policy impact as demonstrated by the high number of downloads and citations of his papers as well as from the invitations to several conferences either to present his work or act as a rapporteur for particular sessions on migration and remittances. To illustrate, one paper titled "Remittances, Institutions and Economic Growth", which was part of a consultancy at the World Bank has been published in World Development and has 389 citations while another paper on the role of remittances in Eastern European countries and published in
International Migration has been cited 302 times according to data in "Google scholar". As a result of his research output and its strong academic and policy relevance, he has been invited to various organisations as a visitor and/or consultanVadvisor in the past few years. He has been a consultant for the OECD, World Bank and the UK Department for International Development (DflD). The DflD project was part of their Regional Migration Programme in Central Asia with a budget of up to £5 million. The programme was designed entirely based on his recommendations. As the Managing Director of the Global Labour Organisation (GLO), Dr Piracha plays an important role in connecting a network of researchers of labour and migration worldwide and informing policy making organizations in Europe, Asia and other regions.
Period | 23 Apr 2019 → 6 May 2019 |
Visiting from | University of Kent (United Kingdom) |
Visitor degree | Dr |
Degree of Recognition | International |