Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) International Advisory Board (External organisation)

    Activity: MembershipMembership of board


    International Advisory Board member for the new journal Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT). MAT is a new, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal in medical anthropology, the anthropology of biomedicine, science and technology studies, and critical global health studies. MAT seeks to provide a forum for top-notch scholarship, engage ‘applied’ anthropologists and activists, and rethink classical anthropological theory in light of contemporary ethnographic research in biomedicine and health. The journal will be fully online and indexed. As an International Advisory  Board member, I help guide MAT through this transition period as they establish a new identity, vision and goals for the journal at the University of Edinburgh.

    As an IAB member, I advise the editors and  editorial staff on all matters relating to the journal’s  aims, ethos, and scope, including the contribution of new ideas, journal policies, and critical perspectives on the place of  MAT  in a changing open-access publishing landscape.
    Period15 Jun 202015 Jun 2022
    Held atMedicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) International Advisory Board, United Kingdom
    Degree of RecognitionInternational