Omnichannel Customer Experience: Conceptualization of the OCX construct and scale development process. - Research seminar at IPAG Business School, Paris, France (Online).

  • Rahman, S. (Invited speaker)
  • Jamie Carlson (Invited speaker)
  • Siggi Gudergan (Invited speaker)
  • DALLA-POZZA Ilaria (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


In this research seminar, the presenters discussed the studies/stages in the following recently published scale development paper in the Journal of Retailing.
Syed Mahmudur Rahman, Jamie Carlson, Siegfried P. Gudergan, Martin Wetzels, Dhruv Grewal. (2022). Perceived Omnichannel Customer Experience (OCX): Concept, measurement, and impact. Journal of Retailing,
Period10 Oct 2022
Held atIPAG Business School, France