School libraries, digital presence, and literacy achievement 

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


School libraries are more than rooms with books. A recent report shows that there are positive relationships between students' library use and their reading performance. Nowadays, school libraries are important learning hubs with both books and digital resources. It is important that parents and the wider communities also understand the importance of accessing school libraries. Then, schools need to let parents and the communities know more about the libraries and activities held. Nowadays, the digital presence of the library on the official school website may be the best promotion.

This presentation reports on a study that examines the digital presence and quality of school libraries and NAPLAN performances in four diverse local government areas. Our findings suggest a positive relationship between quality digital presence and NAPLAN Reading and Writing performance. We will conclude with recommendations and directions for further research.
Period27 Nov 2004
Held atAustralian Coalition for School Libraries, Australia
Degree of RecognitionNational