ABC RN interview - Choc concerns: why traceability in cocoa is so hard

Press/Media: Expert Comment




The vast majority of the world's cocoa beans come from West Africa, but in 2023 traceability is still a real issue - it's difficult for chocolate brands to state, with confidence, exactly which plantation their cocoa comes from and the conditions in which it has been produced.

Professor John Dumay from Macquarie University is part of the team behind the Chocolate Scorecard, which ranks common chocolate brands on their attempts to combat deforestation, child labour and forced labour in cocoa farming.

Guest: Professor John Dumay, Macquarie University

Presenter: Sarah Dingle

Period9 Apr 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleChoc concerns: why traceability in cocoa is so hard
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media typeRadio
    DescriptionThe vast majority of the world's cocoa beans come from West Africa, but in 2023 traceability is still a real issue - it's difficult for chocolate brands to state, with confidence, exactly which plantation their cocoa comes from and the conditions in which it has been produced.

    Professor John Dumay from Macquarie University is part of the team behind the Chocolate Scorecard, which ranks common chocolate brands on their attempts to combat deforestation, child labour and forced labour in cocoa farming.

    Guest: Professor John Dumay, Macquarie University

    Presenter: Sarah Dingle
    PersonsJohn Dumay