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Title Accountants face fivefold surge in fines for bad behaviour Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet AFR Online Media type Web Duration/Length/Size 880 worda Country/Territory Australia Date 7/06/23 Description Accounting body Chartered Accountants ANZ will increase the maximum fine payable for bad behaviour by member firms from $50,000 to $250,000 as part of reforms to its disciplinary process designed to rebuild public confidence in the sector.
The 37 recommendations of a review, released to members on Wednesday morning, also include measures to reinforce the self-reporting obligations of members and firms and to allow CA ANZ to investigate former Australian members. (Former New Zealand members can already be investigated.)
The changes were mostly “administrative” and would allow the body to continue to be opaque about the way breaches of its code were policed and sanctioned, Professor Johannes Dumay, an accounting academic from Macquarie University, said.
CA ANZ announced the review last July after it revealed it had formally sanctioned only eight KPMG accountants after partners and staff from the firm were found to have systemically cheated on independence, audit and accounting rules courses for at least five years until early 2020.
At the time, members criticised the body over the time it took to investigate and sanction the KPMG members over their cheating. The body maintains the review was done as part of a periodic examination of the way CA ANZ operates and was not in response to the KPMG-related criticism.
CA ANZ has been more forthcoming over the PwC tax leaks scandal. Last month, the body revealed it had opened an investigation into the matter in January, when the leaks were first reported by The Australian Financial Review.
Firm reporting obligations
Members have long complained that the body focuses its disciplinary action against individuals at smaller firms and not members at the dominant big four consulting firms Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC. The review was designed to address this issue and modernise its processes.
“We have really honed in on firm events and made the reporting obligations of [the] firms really clear,” CA ANZ chief executive Ainslie van Onselen said. “This will allow us to address some of the systemic and cultural issues that we are seeing today,”
The review was carried out by a CA ANZ committee with an external review of its report by former Federal Court justice Dennis Cowdroy, KC.
“As well as a range of procedural and efficiency improvements, the recommendations extend the existing features of the disciplinary framework to address events involving firms and the systemic and cultural issues underpinning them, that reflect poorly on our profession,” Ms van Onselen said. “Actions from just a few that have the potential to cast a shadow over our profession.”
Changes that require amendments to the CA ANZ by-laws (or the New Zealand equivalent) will require a member vote in the lead-up to the body’s October annual general meeting.
Ms van Onselen also said members would be reminded of their ethical obligations as part of the professional body.
‘Something has gone wrong’
She would not comment directly on the cultural problems engulfing PwC over its tax leaks scandal (which she has previously called “unacceptable” and “unethical”) but acknowledged there were issues across the major firms.
“I can’t comment on what’s gone wrong,” she said. “But I do think some of this is black and white, there’s never an excuse for unethical behaviour.”
While the big four consulting firms make up only about 10 per cent of the body’s 135,000 members, their personnel are by far the most high-profile representatives of the accounting profession.
Professor Dumay said the changes did not directly address the body’s tardy response to the KPMG cheating scandal.
“It is mostly an administrative review that remains untransparent about those found to breach the code of conduct unless someone is convicted in a public forum, then what CA ANZ does remains behind closed doors,” he said.
“Almost no attention is paid to the issue that sparked the review in the first place, the KPMG exam cheating scandal. Although it is mentioned, the report concludes the current framework ‘responds appropriately and proportionately to proven academic misconduct’ ... however, I see no evidence from which to draw that conclusion.”
He said the “fact that no further mention of the scandal is made and no one will be further sanctioned sweeps the issue back under the carpet until the next time a scandal hits”.
The standing of that profession has been hurt by behaviour of individuals at those firms in the past few years, including the cheating that occurred at KPMG and PwC’s tax leaks scandal. The PwC matter involves partners and staff being involved in a multi-year plan to exploit secret government tax information.
In addition, EY has acknowledged it has cultural issues. This led to the firm engaging former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick to carry out a wide-ranging review of its workplace culture. That is due to be made public in July or August.
“It’ll be interesting to see EY’s cultural report,” Ms van Onselen said.
As part of the review, the body also benchmarked its disciplinary process against other similar organisations in Australia and around the world. The committee found CA ANZ’s existing processes met or exceeded those other similar bodies.
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Document AFNROL0020230609ej66001guProducer/Author Ed Tadros Persons John Dumay