Higher mortality from other causes is offset by lower mortality from respiratory diseases

  • Angelo Andrew
  • Karen Cutter
  • Jennifer Lang
  • Han Li
  • Richard Lyon
  • Zhan Wang
  • Mengyi Xu

Press/Media: Research


The COVID-19 Mortality Working Group continues to compare the predicted number of deaths based on their modelling against the observed number of deaths using the latest available data to 31 August 2021. In the year to date, deaths from all causes were close to predicted, despite the 79 COVID-19 deaths in August. Other respiratory deaths – mainly flu – remain significantly lower than in previous years.

Period2 Dec 2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleHigher mortality from other causes is offset by lower mortality from respiratory diseases
    Media name/outletActuaries Digital
    DescriptionThe COVID-19 Mortality Working Group continues to compare the predicted number of deaths based on their modelling against the observed number of deaths using the latest available data to 31 August 2021. In the year to date, deaths from all causes were close to predicted, despite the 79 COVID-19 deaths in August. Other respiratory deaths – mainly flu – remain significantly lower than in previous years.
    PersonsAngelo Andrew, Karen Cutter, Jennifer Lang, Han Li, Richard Lyon, Zhan Wang, Mengyi Xu