Macedonia region’s Doiran Lake helps understand the ancient Greek natural environment!

  • Ania Kotarba

    Press/Media: Expert Comment


    The answer to this question is that Lake Doiran can help us quite a lot, according to Dr Ania Kotarba-Morley who is a Lecturer at the Centre for Archaeological Sciences at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong in New South Wales. Uranium and llithium isotopes found around the lake provide us very useful information about the ancient kingdom of Macedonia, its impact on the natural evironment and its commercial relations and trade with the rest of the ancient Greek world! Dr Kotarba-Morley speaks to Dimitrios Kametopoulos about this issue in the English language. 

    Period22 Jan 2018

    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleMacedonia region’s Doiran Lake helps understand the ancient Greek natural environment!
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletSBS
      Media typeRadio
      DescriptionThe answer to this question is that Lake Doiran can help us quite a lot, according to Dr Ania Kotarba-Morley who is a Lecturer at the Centre for Archaeological Sciences at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong in New South Wales. Uranium and llithium isotopes found around the lake provide us very useful information about the ancient kingdom of Macedonia, its impact on the natural evironment and its commercial relations and trade with the rest of the ancient Greek world! Dr Kotarba-Morley speaks to Dimitrios Kametopoulos about this issue in the English language.
      Producer/AuthorDimitrios Kametopoulos
      PersonsAnia Kotarba