Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Robot and Human Trust Media name/outlet Think Digital Futures Podcast (2Ser) Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size 25min Country/Territory Australia Date 5/10/22 Description As research hastens to making Brain-Computer Interfaces between robots and human a reality, we ought to examine the cultural significance behind it. We must consider the definition of “trust” and how it can be applied to an interface between a robot and a human. We can easily understand how much a human trusts a robot, but have you ever considered if a robot can trust a human? Can we even consider it at all? Cameron M. Furlong investigates.
Distinguished Professor CT Lin, UTS School of Computer Science
Doctor Chris Muller, Senior Lecturer, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature
Produced and Presented by: Cameron M. FurlongProducer/Author Cameron M. Furlong URL Persons Chris Muller