Social media’s rock stars of wealth

Press/Media: Expert Comment



One doesn’t need to explain the Kardashians’ influence to Australian entrepreneur Nick Molnar. The Afterpay founder contacted the famous family when he wanted to launch Afterpay in the US.

Kim Kardashian agreed to help, endorsing the company to her 144 million followers on Instagram – and the further 60 million on Twitter – putting Afterpay on the radar of its most valuable customer: America's Millennial.

Ms Kardashian has an estimated net worth of $350 million, an amount second only to her younger sister, makeup entrepreneur Kylie Jenner, who’s worth a reported $800 million.

They regularly endorse brands on social media, charging companies upwards of $300,000 a post to do so (some reports say $1 million).

“Some people think they’re dreadful but I'm telling you, the Kardashians are a role model for modern business,” said publicist and celebrity manager Max Markson, founder of Markson Sparks. “They are the new rage and the new rich.”

It could certainly be said social media influencers are this generation's rock stars of wealth. Those making the most money spruik their products – or someone else’s – on the most lucrative platforms (YouTube and Instagram) charging hundreds and thousands of dollars to post a photo, story (worth slightly more) or video (worth more again).

With the influencer advertising market expected to reach $5 billion to $10 billion by 2020, according to marketing firm Mediakix, it looks like selfies are here to stay.

The world’s most popular YouTuber, Swedish gamer Felix Kjellberg (also known as PewDiePie) has 86 million subscribers and is estimated to be worth around $30 million. He has worked with Mountain Dew and energy drink company G Fuel.

Australia has its own fair share of influencers. There’s Emily Skye, a fitness instructor worth around $32 million; ShowPo founder Jane Lu, worth around $32 million; Gold Coast model and travel blogger Gabby Esptein, worth around $400,000; and Lauren Curtis, a fashion and beauty YouTuber who has 3.5 million fans on YouTube and is reportedly worth $350,000, thanks to partnerships with Colgate, Garnier and Boost Juice.

For an influencer to endorse a product, a brand will pay them a fee for that post based on how many followers they have. According to Australian online talent agency The Right Fit, influencers with 3000-20,000 followers can make $75-$300 per post; those with 100,000-250,000 followers can make $550-$800; and those with more than 500,000 followers can make upwards of $1200 (the rates are considerably higher in the US).

Much like how Neighbours launched the careers of Kylie and Delta, the formula seems to be accrue the followers first, then make the dough. Australian Tammy Hembrow, who has 9.7 million Instagram followers, makes $19,000 per sponsored post, according to Influencer Free, a website that calculates how much influencers earn. The cost per post for Adelaide-born Kayla Itsines, who has 11.6 million Instagram followers, is estimated by Marie Claire to be around $150,000.

Ms Itsines and her boyfriend Tobi Pearce, who occupied positions five and six on last year’s AFR Rich List, have an estimated wealth of $486 million, generated mostly through subscriptions to their fitness app Sweat, downloaded by 30 million people.

“If you've got to a high number of followers, and you can monetise that, it becomes a very serious revenue stream,” said Mr Markson.

“If you're Taylor Swift and you're making money from records, if you want to promote them, you don't go on the Today show in New York or [The Tonight Show Starring] Jimmy Fallon. If you go on Fallon you might get about 20 million views, but if you put it on your own social media you're pushing out to a quarter of a billion followers. It’s a much easier sales structure to work with. You don't need the mainstream media any more.”

Professor of marketing at Macquarie University Jana Bowden says there's a lot of money to be made if you get the formula right. But she said: “I don't think it's as easy as applying a formula and you will succeed: failure rates of new ventures in social media are significant.”

Ms Bowden said the success of influencers comes down to a combination of business nous, entrepreneurship and innovativeness. “I'm sure there are many cases of people not succeeding and there is a question of the right timing, the right formula, the right personality and the right messaging, that allows these influencers to succeed when they do.”

Those who seem to have uncovered the secret formula have mastered what Ms Bowden calls “manufactured authenticity”. By enabling a glimpse into their everyday existence, their successes and their failures, these influencers allow their followers and customers to emotionally connect with them and build a perceived personal relationship with them, “a sense that they are just like me”.

Ms Itsines’ Instagram page is filled with before and after pictures of her clients’ body transformations, which her followers can relate to and which has helped her gain a following.

“It’s not just their business model, but the candid and authentic, real-world, genuine communication about their life and various aspects of their life that makes them seem more grounded and normal,” Ms Bowden said.

“These intimate peeks into their lifestyles, regardless of whether they are a health influencer or makeup influencer or the Kardashians, is perfectly tailored to what's become quite a voyeuristic consumer culture.”

Period25 Jul 2019

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