Spotlight on practice: How I teach now

    Press/Media: Expert Comment


    The pivot to online during COVID created some unique circumstances around teaching. This article describes how my underlying beliefs about effective teaching were unchanged but how I changed some of the ways I organised my units and moved from f2f to online zoom tutorials. My units in the Master of Teaching are practical units, about learning to be a classroom teacher and behaviour management, and a particular challenge was how to create authentic classroom situations. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We had to decide what the core things were that we wanted to keep and make work and then we reshaped things for the online environment, to make sure that we could keep true to those things and continue that learning.  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In the article I acknowledged that there were some things that we just weren’t able to do and that we had to accept were not going to work in this new environment. So, we had to do them in a completely different way. Communication and reflexivity were key to success in the chamged teaching landscape.

    My postgraduate students in the Master of Teaching were impressed with the way I went “above and beyond expectations in providing resources, effective learning and equitable assessment tasks and alterations” and how I “opened up learning forums and organised contact times that are beyond her obligations to make sure students are on track.” After this year of flux I am looking to take the learning from this year into future organisation and delivery.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Period2 Nov 2020

    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleSpotlight on Practice: How I teach now
      Degree of recognitionLocal
      Media name/outletTECHE
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionJanet Dutton is a lecturer in Secondary English in the School of Education. Her postgraduate students in the Master of Teaching were impressed with the way she went “above and beyond expectations in providing resources, effective learning and equitable assessment tasks and alterations” and how she “opened up learning forums and organised contact times that are beyond her obligations to make sure students are on track.”

      Here, Janet shares how the move to online learning changed some of her teaching practices forever. As told to Kylie Coaldrake and Karina Luzia.
      Producer/AuthorKylie Coaldrake & Karina Luzia (Professional Learning and Teaching Development Office of PVC (Learning and Teaching)
      PersonsJanet Dutton