Students must be able to engage in critical analysis of sources of information

Press/Media: Expert Comment


EXPERT COMMENT:  Response to Minister Tudge's speech on the Australian Curriculum (22/10/2021).
Minister Tudge this morning delivered a speech to the Centre for Independent Studies on "Reforming Australia's Schools."  Experts respond. 

Period22 Oct 2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleStudents must be able to engage in critical analysis of sources of information
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletMCERA - Media Centre for Education Research Australia
    Media typeWeb
    Description"Minister Tudge accused the Draft Australian Curriculum (History), especially in regards to the Years 7-10 History and Civics curriculum, as providing students with a ‘miserable, negative view’ of Australian History since 1788.
    This is a confounding view of a curriculum from which students learn about ... critical analysis of sources of information. Fortunately, the Draft Australian Curriculum (History, 7-10 in particular) requires students learn about ‘different historical interpretations and contested debates’. It seems that the Draft History Australian Curriculum is well on the way to developing critical thinking students with the capacity to enter into active citizenship."
    PersonsKim Wilson