What is 'grey divorce' and why is it on the rise?

  • Henry Kha

Press/Media: Expert Comment


When Bill and Melinda Gates announced their divorce this month, after 27 years of marriage, it reflected the growing trend of couples over 50 breaking up.

While divorces among younger couples are going down, why are long-term relationships breaking down? And how can the impact on women be lessened?

Period16 May 2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleWhat is 'grey divorce' and why is it on the rise?
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletAustralian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
    Media typeRadio
    Duration/Length/Size7 minutes, 7 seconds
    DescriptionWhen Bill and Melinda Gates announced their divorce this month, after 27 years of marriage, it reflected the growing trend of couples over 50 breaking up.

    While divorces among younger couples are going down, why are long-term relationships breaking down? And how can the impact on women be lessened?
    Producer/AuthorIsabelle Summerson
    PersonsHenry Kha