What The Duck?! When animals put other animals in Jail

Press/Media: Expert Comment


What The Duck?! podcast with Dr Ann Jones.

Usually, it's humans putting animals in cages, but sometimes the animals do it to themselves.

Female platypus lock themselves in burrows to breed, great hornbill males lock females up in the hollow of a tree (they seal it up with fruit and poop) and potter wasps paralyse caterpillars for their babies to eat.

Today on What The Duck?!, Dr Ann Jones investigates the wild and hostile world of animal jails.

Are the animals just psycho killers or do they have their reasons?


Geoff Williams, Biologist, Australian Platypus Conservancy. 

Pooja Pawar, Nature Conservation Foundation of India.

Dr. George Binns, Entomologist, Macquarie University.

Dr. Graham Brown, Entomologist, Darwin.

Period8 Jun 2024

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