A rich literature on forest succession provides general expectations for the steps forests go through while reassembling after disturbance, yet we still have a surprisingly poor understanding of why the outcomes of forest recovery after logging (or other disturbances) vary so extensively. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that regional species pool, system productivity, climate and landscape structure are important drivers of forest reassembly outcomes.
Transect 1,500 km in length along the east coast of Australia.
Time period
Survey of 50- to 60-year-old rain forest regrowth and primary forest conducted in 2012 and 2013.
Major taxa studied
Rain forest plants.
In this study, we compare species and functional diversity patterns in pairs of remnant and regrowth (‘secondary’) rain forests spread across a 1,500 km climate and productivity gradient along the east coast of Australia. Our controlled natural experiment was designed to test the importance of regional species pool, system productivity, climate and landscape structure as drivers of species and functional diversity in regenerating forests. Notably, our study design allowed us to hold soil type, general forest type and disturbance history relatively constant in order to test our hypotheses effectively.
Counter to expectations, few tested factors were strongly related to the recovery of species or functional diversity in regenerating Australian rain forests. The extent of local forest fragmentation was the only factor strongly related to differences between regrowth forests and primary forest remnants, and then only for functional diversity. We found no evidence that species diversity is a reasonable proxy for, or potential driver of, functional diversity patterns.
Main conclusions
Our findings suggest that forest functional recovery over decades is influenced more by regional landscape context than distinct assembly processes operating across climate and productivity gradients.
Usage Notes
Sams_Mayfield_Rf1_AllThis file contains all of the data used in this paper. The file contains nine Excel sheets. The first is a summary of what is contained in each sheet and the remaining eight are pairs of metadata and raw data files. Each metadata sheet matches the name of the relevant datasheet. Data in this file include trait, climate, abundance and landscape data.
A rich literature on forest succession provides general expectations for the steps forests go through while reassembling after disturbance, yet we still have a surprisingly poor understanding of why the outcomes of forest recovery after logging (or other disturbances) vary so extensively. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that regional species pool, system productivity, climate and landscape structure are important drivers of forest reassembly outcomes.
Transect 1,500 km in length along the east coast of Australia.
Time period
Survey of 50- to 60-year-old rain forest regrowth and primary forest conducted in 2012 and 2013.
Major taxa studied
Rain forest plants.
In this study, we compare species and functional diversity patterns in pairs of remnant and regrowth (‘secondary’) rain forests spread across a 1,500 km climate and productivity gradient along the east coast of Australia. Our controlled natural experiment was designed to test the importance of regional species pool, system productivity, climate and landscape structure as drivers of species and functional diversity in regenerating forests. Notably, our study design allowed us to hold soil type, general forest type and disturbance history relatively constant in order to test our hypotheses effectively.
Counter to expectations, few tested factors were strongly related to the recovery of species or functional diversity in regenerating Australian rain forests. The extent of local forest fragmentation was the only factor strongly related to differences between regrowth forests and primary forest remnants, and then only for functional diversity. We found no evidence that species diversity is a reasonable proxy for, or potential driver of, functional diversity patterns.
Main conclusions
Our findings suggest that forest functional recovery over decades is influenced more by regional landscape context than distinct assembly processes operating across climate and productivity gradients.
Usage Notes
Sams_Mayfield_Rf1_AllThis file contains all of the data used in this paper. The file contains nine Excel sheets. The first is a summary of what is contained in each sheet and the remaining eight are pairs of metadata and raw data files. Each metadata sheet matches the name of the relevant datasheet. Data in this file include trait, climate, abundance and landscape data.
Date made available | 10 Jun 2022 |
Publisher | Macquarie University |
- Doryphora aromatica
- Capparis arborea
- Ardisia brevipedata
- Aglaia sapindina
- Linospadix.monostachya
- Oraniopsis.appendiculata
- Anthocarapa nitidula
- Gossia.bidwilli
- Dysoxylum parasiticum
- Austromeullera trinervia
- Notolaea.longifolia
- Sarcopteryx.stipata
- Polyscias.elegans
- Mallotus.phillipensis
- Atractocarpus merikin
- Rhodomyrtus.trineura.ssp.capensis
- Siphonodon.membranaceous
- Archidendron whitei
- Macaranga.inamoena
- Guioa.semiglauca
- Melicope.elleryana
- Litsea.leefeana
- Sloanea.macbrydei
- Endiandra.virens
- Sloanea.woollsii
- Syzygium.gustavoides
- Endiandra.wolfei
- 2012-2013
- Alphitonia excelsa
- Wilkiea.cordata
- Doryphora sassafras
- Cryptocarya pleurosperma
- Argyrodendron actinophyllum
- Elaeocarpus.grandis
- Hodgkinsonia.ovatiflora
- Citronella moorei
- Elaeodendron.australe
- Syzygium.australe
- Firmiana.papuana
- Argyrodendron sp. Boonjee
- Arytera distylis
- Dysoxylum pettigrewianum
- Myristica.insipida
- Castanospora alphandii
- Symplocos.thwaitesii
- Elattostachys.xylocarpa
- Geijera.salicifolia
- Diploglottis diphyllostegia
- Ligustrum.lucidum
- Ehretia acuminata
- Helicia.glabrifolia
- Brachychiton discolor
- Brombya platynema
- Bridelia leichhardtii
- Vanroyena.castanosperma
- Archidendron vallantii
- Alectryon connatus
- Atractocarpus benthamianus
- Antidesma erostre
- Ficus.congesta
- Melicope.hayesii
- Lophostemon.confertus
- Polyosma.cunninghamii
- Zanthoxylum.veneficum
- Archontophoenix cunninghamiana
- Pittosporum.multiflorum
- Jagera.pseudorhus
- Medicosma.fareana
- Guioa.lasioneura
- Synoum.glandulosum
- Glochidian.hylandii
- Orites.excelsus
- Melicope.micrococca
- Darlingia ferruginea
- Flindersia.brayleyana
- Dysoxylum fraserianum
- Croton triacros
- Myrsine.variabilis
- Planchonella.myrsinodendron
- Hylandia.dockrillii
- Gossia.shepherdii
- Symplocos.paucistaminea
- Endiandra.cowleyana
- Elaeocarpus.kirtonii
- Garcinia.gibbsiae
- Dendrocnide photinophylla
- Aglaia australiensis
- Endiandra.sankeyana
- Polyalthia.nitidissima
- Acronychia octandra
- Schistocarpaea.johnsonii
- Daphnandra melasmena
- Irvingbaileya.australis
- Alstonia scholaris
- Celtis paniculata
- Cupaniopsis flagelliformis
- Ficus.copiosa
- Wilkiea.macrophylla
- Cinnamomum virens
- Syzygium.ingens
- Australian rainforest
- Eupomatia.laurina
- Guilfolya.monostylis
- Emmenosperma.alphitoniodes
- Polyscias.murrayi
- Franciscodendron.laurifolium
- Acronychia parviflora
- Endiandra.monothyra
- Baloghia inophylla
- Syzygium.hodgkinsoniae
- Niemeyera.chartacea
- Diospyros australis
- Pouteria.xerocarpa
- Cryptocarya mackinnoniana
- Beilschmiedia tooram
- Cardwellia sublimis
- Endiandra.insignis
- Solanum.corifolium
- Ficus.coronata
- Cryptocarya glaucescens
- Neolitsea.australiensis
- Brachychiton acerifolius
- Toechima.erythrocarpum
- Syzygium.smithii
- Alangium villosum polyosmoides
- Cryptocarya erythroxylon
- Tabernaemontana.pandacaqui
- Cryptocarya meisneriana
- Endiandra.crassiflora
- Streblus.brunonianus
- Diploglottis bracteata
- Elattostachys.nervosa
- Melicope.vitiflora
- Dysoxylum rufum
- Gmelina.fasciculiflora
- Scolopia.braunii
- Castanospermum australe
- Erythroxylon.sp.(Brewer.LA)
- Harpullia.rhyticarpa
- Haplostichanthus.submontanus
- Flindersia.schottiana
- Alphitonia petriei
- Cinnamomum oliveri
- Aphananthe philippinensis
- Ligustrum.sinense
- Argyrodendron peralatum
- Pilidiostigma.tropicum
- Cryptocarya triplonervis var. pubens
- Olea.paniculata
- Zanthoxylum.ovaliflorum
- Solanum.mauritianum
- Pittosporum.rubiginosum
- Siphonodon.australis
- Sloanea.australis
- Ternstroemia.cherryi
- Codiaeum variegatum
- Maytenus.disperma
- Alphitonia whitei
- Duboisia myoporoides
- Denhamia celastroides
- Diploglottis australis
- Cryptocarya grandis
- Tarenna.dallachiana
- Daphnandra repandula
- Mallotus.polyadenos
- Opisthiolepis.heterophylla
- Daphnandra apatela
- Prunus.turneriana
- Aceriatum sericoleopsis
- Argyrodendron trifoliolatum
- Ficus.fraserii
- Pseuduvaria.hylandii
- Aglaia tomentosa
- Land-clearing
- Beilschmiedia elliptica
- Endiandra.palmerstonii
- Niemeyera.prunifera
- Psydrax.odorata
- Alyxia ruscifolia
- Acronychia vestita
- Mischocarpus.lachnocarpus
- Alectryon subdentatus
- Beilschmiedia brunnea
- Athertonia diversifolia
- Ackama paniculosa
- Akania bidwillii
- Hedycarya.loxocarya
- Syzygium.crebrinerve
- Haplostichanthus.johnsonii
- Geissois.benthamiana
- Litsea.reticulata
- Fontainea.picrosperma
- Myristica.globosa
- Beilschmiedia bancroftii
- Forest recovery
- Land-use change
- Melia.azedarch
- Drypetes deplanchei
- Syzygium.mulgraveanum
- Diospyros pentamera
- Quintinia.verdonii
- Araucaria bidwilli
- Claoxylon australe
- Pouteria.australis
- Acacia melanoxylon
- Arytera divaricata
- Syzygium.hemilamprum.hemilamprum
- Pouteria.brownlessiana
- Euroschinis.falcatus.var.falcatus
- Archidendron grandiflorum
- Acronychia oblongifolia
- Cryptocarya obovata
- Glochidion.ferdinandi
- Wilkiea.huegeliana
- Neolitsea.dealbata
- Hedraianthera.porphyropetala
- Toona.ciliata
- Cryptocarya putida
- Gossia.dallachania
- Acacia maidenii
- Citronella smythii
- Pilidiostigma.glabrum
- Corynocarpus cribbianus
- Wilkiea.longipes
- Delarbrea micheana
- Endiandra.bessaphila
- Xanthophyllum.octandrum
- Apodytes brachystylis
- Archidendron lucyi
- Sloanea.langii
- Symplocos.hayesii
- Diospyros cupulosa
- Ficus.leptoclada
- Endiandra.compressa
- Steganthera.laxiflora
- Dysoxylum papuanum
- Dendrocnide excelsa
- Rockinghamia.angustifolia
- Aglaia meridionalis