Employee perceptions of the use of evidence in management



Data associated with manuscript: Jepsen, D.M., Rousseau, D.M. (under review) Leadership, learning and well-being implications of perceptions of managerial
evidence use.

The following datasets are provided in both SPSS and CSV formats:

1. Study 1 and 5 dataset n308:
Residential aged care employee responses to survey on perceptions of evidence
use (PEU) and its impact on work-based learning, trust in supervisor,
leader-member exchange, psychological distress and quality of care.

2. Study 2 and 4 dataset n121:
Currently working MBA student responses to PEU over three time periods to
demonstrate test-retest reliability, and discriminant validity against
leader-member exchange, perceived organisational support, four organisational
justice scales

3. Study 3 n407: Residential aged care
employee response to survey of PEU scale and (redacted) all nine
(transformational and transactional) multi-factor leadership questionnaire
Date made available7 Mar 2022
PublisherMacquarie University


  • Leadership
  • Decision making
  • Evidence-based management
  • Workplace learning
  • Leader member exchange
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Human Resources Management

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