The innovations of Hatshepsut's reign

  • Vivienne Gae Callender (Contributor)



Though it can never be known to what extant innovations in Hatshepsut's reign were actually her own ideas, it can be said that her attitudes toward change and innovation allowed them to flourish in her reign. A number of such innovations are described and discussed here: the scenes of the miraculous conception in her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahari; the scenes of the voyage to Punt; constitutional innovations expressed in the investiture of a female pharaoh; features of the queen's statuary and writings in her titulary; her strong devotion to the service of Amon-Re; religious ideas, among others concerning the Festival of the Valley and the construction of bark stations, or ideas finding expressing in the architecture and decoration of her mortuary temple; and secular innovations, such as scenes of trade with Keftiu/Minoans and Minoan designs in the ceilings of tombs of her officials. (OEB)
Date made available20 Aug 2024
PublisherMacquarie University


  • New Kingdom Egypt
  • mortuary temple
  • Hatshepsut
  • queens of Egypt

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