2023 Australian Government Teacher Education Expert Panel (TEEP) Report Citation & Recommended Our Report as an Initial Teacher Education Program/Degrees Reading.

Impact: Training impacts

Description of impact *

The AITSL report and guidance on assessment for teachers our Macquarie School of Education team co-researched and co-authored was cited by the Australian Government. It was included as a recommended reading to be set in Initial Teacher Education programs/degrees (ITE) across Australia, on p.99 of the Australian Government's (2023) 'STRONG BEGINNINGS: Report of the Teacher Education Expert Panel' final document (known in the industry as 'The TEEP Report').

The paper cited as a 'Key Reference' for ' Core Content 2 - Effective Pedagogical Practices' was:
Lane R, Parrila R, Bower M, Bull R, Cavanagh M, Forbes A, Jones T, Pellicano L, Powell S, Ryan M and Khosronejad M (2019) Formative Assessment Evidence and Practice Literature Review. AITSL: Melbourne.

Impact date6 Jul 2023
Category of impactTraining impacts
Impact levelAdoption (early)