Consultant Advisor, World Health Organisation (WHO)--ongoing

Impact: Policy impacts, Health impacts, Technology impacts

Description of impact *

I am working with the WHO's Infodemic Management team on projects related to young people, social media, and health misinformation. To date, these have included the following:

1. Policy brief on Young People and the Infodemic (under internal review)
2. Framework & Toolkit for Analysing Youth Interactions online (under review)
3. Textbook chapter on Ethics in Infodemic Management (under review)
4. Lectures for WHO Global Infodemic Management Training in 2020 and 2021(on my research with young people, and on ethical considerations in infodemic management design. )
5. Panel for Global Health Literacy Summit (on information overload--forthcoming, Oct 4 2021)
6. Presentation for Global Health Literacy Summit (title: The Case for Teaching Influence Literacy--forthcoming, Oct 5, 2021)7. 
Impact date1 Sept 20201 Sept 2023
Category of impactPolicy impacts, Health impacts, Technology impacts
Impact levelEmerging (pre)