Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 67 results
Search results
EU Collab: Strengthening resilience and mental wellbeing through the Support4Resilience toolbox for leaders in elderly care
Ellis, L., Braithwaite, J., Clay-Williams, R., Gray, L., Bryant, R., Batterham, P., Wuthrich, V., Westbrook, J., Shand, F. L., Hibbert, P., Caputi, P., Reed, R., Churruca, K., McLellan, L., Ludlow, K., Spanos, S., Jaffray, L., Long, J., Newman, B. & Nguyen, A.
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
MRFF: Embedding Genomics in Primary Care: Using Implementation Science to Design a Robust National Approach
Braithwaite, J., Long, J., Best, S., Willcock, S., Archibald, A. D., Cutler, H., Ferrie, M., Freeman, L., Dive, L., Trainer, A. H., McClaren, B., Newson, A., Delatycki, M. B., Kirk, E., Laing, N. G., Spanos, S., Gilkes, L., Cini, J., Edwards, S., Leibowitz, R., Jeet, V., Mahadeva, J., Foo, D. & Churruca, K.
1/12/23 → 31/05/26
Project: Research
JCU led: Supervised Home Exercise for Peripheral Artery Disease
Golledge, J., Parmenter, B., Arnott, C., Neale, R. E., Burton, N. W., Heal, C., Drovandi, A., Moxon, J. V., Pinchbeck, J., Askew, C., Norman, R., Morris, D., Clay-Williams, R., Austin, E., Muller, J., Ogg, M., Bourke, B., Jackson, M., McLucas, M., White, V., Quigley, F., Bingley, J., Cadet-James, Y. & Oliver, L.
1/06/23 → 31/05/26
Project: Research
Smarter hospitals: Unlocking the promise of virtual models of care through infrastructure innovation in Australian healthcare facilities
Harrison, R., Clay-Williams, R., Braithwaite, J., Westbrook, J., Taylor, N., Manias, E., Mitchell, R., Lawton, R., Moscova, M., Cardenas, A., Churruca, K., Bhonagiri , D., Chua, W., Sabesan, S., Christian, B., Nelson, C., Badgery-Parker, T. & Mumford, V.
1/02/23 → 31/01/28
Project: Research
Evaluation of an implemented integrated multidisciplinary clinic for people living with motor neurone disease on the Central Coast
Hutchinson, K., Goodwin, N., Schutz, A., Hogden , A. & Carr, S.
3/09/21 → …
Project: Research
Impact of chronic illness and injury on school performance and health outcomes of children pilot study
Mitchell, R., Cameron, C. M., Lystad, R., Nielssen, O., McMaugh, A., Herkes, G. K., Schniering, C., Hng, T. & Johnstone, M.
1/08/18 → …
Project: Research
File -
Creating a culture of safety and respect: a controlled, mixed-methods study of the effectiveness of a behavioural accountability intervention to reduce unprofessional behaviours
Westbrook, J., Braithwaite, J., Day, R., Middleton, S., Scott, D., Rapport, F., Mitchell, R., Baysari, M., Li, L., Ayliff, N., Hughes, C., McInnes, E., Goodier, G., Maddern, G., Cartmill, J., Churruca, K., Fletcher, M., Sunderland, N., Hibbert, P., Clay-Williams, R., Pavithra, A. & Crick, S.
1/12/17 → …
Project: Research
Evaluation of the Delirium Clinical Care Standard
Mumford, V., Westbrook, J., Shehabi, Y., Braithwaite, J. & Potter, M.
1/03/17 → …
Project: Research
Personalised anticoagulant therapy for patients with acute coronary syndrome
Wendling, T., Gallego-Luxan, B., Coiera, E. & Runciman, W.
1/01/17 → …
Project: Research
Preventing patient harm in hospitals: automatic real time detection of adverse drug events using datasets from electronic clinical information systems
Li, L., Westbrook, J., Beuscart, R., Ma, J., Day, R. & Jones, G.
1/01/17 → …
Project: Research
Macquarie University Centre for Implementation of Hearing Research (I-HeaR)
McMahon, C., McAlpine, D., Braithwaite, J., Cutler, H., Boisvert, I., Sharma, M., Rapport, F. & Buchholz, J.
1/01/17 → …
Project: Research
Evaluation of a family support collaborative using a social network approach.
1/12/16 → …
Project: Research
Services for external evaluation of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) and health technology related submissions
Cutler, H., Parkinson, B., McLeod, R., Dalziel, K., Mutowo, M., Mumford, V., Vagholkar, S., Pont, L. G., Song, R., Jeet, V., Hoyle, M., Seil, E., Norman, A., Partington, A. & Gu, Y.
1/11/16 → …
Project: Research
NSW Premier's Awards for Excellence in Cancer Research: Excellence in Translational Research
Ayliff, N., Long, J., Debono, D., Braithwaite, J., Chin, M., Salisbury, E., Williams, R., Potter, M., O'Neill, S., Eykman, E., Rawson, R., Butler, J., Dunlop, T. & Phan-Thien, K.
5/08/16 → …
Project: Research
The nature and consequences of interruptions and multi-tasking
Westbrook, J., Braithwaite, J., Dunsmuir, W. & MQRES, M.
29/01/16 → …
Project: Research
Deed of Standing Offer - Services for Health Economics Services Panel
Cutler, H., Schroeder, L., Pitt, D., Jang, J., Kyng, T., Purcal, S., Braithwaite, J., Coiera, E. & Westbrook, J.
1/07/15 → …
Project: Research
Patient-centred eHealth approach to improving outcomes for gout sufferers
Westbrook, J., Day, R., Zwar, N. A., Reath, J., Lau, A., Baysari, M., Laba, T., McLachlan, A., Runciman, W., Coiera, E., Braithwaite, J. & Clay-Williams, R.
1/04/15 → …
Project: Research
Creating safe, effective systems of care: the translational challenge
Braithwaite, J., Westbrook, J. & Coiera, E.
1/11/14 → …
Project: Research
Not started
A mixed methods evaluation of T1D services in Far North Queensland, Australia: What works, what does not work, and why?
Carrigan, A., Zurynski, Y., Braithwaite, J., Huynh, T. & Wilson, D.
10/05/23 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
A dashboard of predictive analytics and decision support to drive care quality and person-centred outcomes in aged care
Westbrook, J., Georgiou, A., Lord, S. R., Gray, L., Day, R., Ratcliffe, J., Baysari, M. & Braithwaite, J.
1/10/19 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
FAST: Tailored intervention for reducing falls after stroke trial (FAST)
Clemson, L., Dean, C., Ada, L., Scrivener, K., Jones, T., Lannin, N. A., Preston, E., Heller, G., Mumford, V., Cusick, A., Isbel, S., Duncan, P. & Gardner, B.
21/06/19 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Identifying and addressing unwarranted clinical variation in hip fracture care to improve health outcomes
Close, J., Harvey, L. A., Harris, I. A. & Mitchell, R.
1/01/19 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Nina Buscombe Award - Decision support tools for motor neurone disease multidisciplinary care’
Hogden, A.
7/12/18 → 9/12/18
Project: Other
Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy
Wheelwright, S., Recio-Saucedo, A., McDermott, C. J., Foster, C., Hogden, A. & Morrison, K. E.
1/09/18 → 31/08/21
Project: Other
Misc - Wollongong: Perceived Improvement in Quality of Care (PIQOC) - Dementia Training Australia survey and indicator analysis
Mitchell, R., Goodenough, B., Wadolowski, M. & Watts, J.
9/07/18 → 1/03/19
Project: Other
NHMRC - PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS 2017: Motor Neurone Disease: Patient centred care for a progressive neurological disease— evidence driving policy.
Kiernan, M. C., Wray, N. R., Talman, P., Vucic, S., Mathers, S., Henderson, R. D., Bellgard, M., Aoun, S. M., Savulescu, J., Rowe, D., Birks, C., Blair, I., Hansen, C., Hogden, A., Needham, M., Olds, P., Schultz, D., Soulis, T., Williams, S., Zoing, M. & Smith, G.
1/07/18 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
The lived experience of post-surgical patients following resective surgery for refractory epilepsy: A phenomenological study
Shih, P., Rapport, F., Nikpour, A., Bleasel, A. & Herkes, G. K.
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
Understanding the impact of dementia on rehabilitation following hip fracture to improve health outcomes for older people
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
MQ-MINDS: Macquarie MINDS: Monitoring of Injury and psychosocial health outcomes, career trajectories and continuing educatioN, LiveD experiences and Social connectedness
Lystad, R., Peters, L., Johnstone, M., Ellis, L., Mitchell, R., Braithwaite, J., Wuthrich, V., Amin, J. & Cameron, C. M.
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
CareTrack Aged: appropriate care delivered to Australians living in residential aged care
Braithwaite, J., Cameron, I., Kitson, A., Reed, R., Georgiou, A., Gray, L., Rapport, F., Arnolda, G., Westbrook, J., Wiles, L., Ting, P., Hibbert, P., Mitchell, R., Gordon, S. & Runciman, W.
1/01/18 → 30/12/22
Project: Research
Centre of Research Excellence in Melanoma: Person, tumour and system-focussed knowledge to drive better outcomes in melanoma
Mann, G. J., Cust, A. E., Scolyer, R. A., Braithwaite, J., Kelly, J., Morton, R. L., Spillane, A. J., Saw, R., Henderson, M., Yang, J. Y. H., Hong, A., Tran, A., Gyorki, D., Milne, D., Long, G. V., Rizos, H., Kasparian, N., Fernández-Peñas, P. & Guitera, P.
1/01/18 → 31/12/22
Project: Other
Centre for Research Excellence in Implementation Science in Oncology (CRE-ISO)
Braithwaite, J., Ward, R., Currow, D., Delaney, G., Kefford, R., Olver, I., Karnon, J., Crowe, P., Liauw, W., Westbrook, J., Meiser, B., Tieman, J., Verspoor, K., Ellis, L., Krishnasamy, M., Ayliff, N., Hawkins, N., Hibbert, P., Farnsworth, R. & Clay-Williams, R.
1/12/17 → 30/11/22
Project: Other
NHMRC Partnership Centre on Health System Sustainability
Braithwaite, J., Ward, R., Anderson, T., Teede, H., Wells, L., Gray, L., Yeend, T., Coiera, E., Westbrook, J., Glasziou, P., Scott, A., Karnon, J. & Buchbinder, R.
1/07/17 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Using a life course approach to examine the influence of individual and psychosocial characteristics on individual trajectories through the health and aged care systems
Mitchell, R., Braithwaite, J., Driscoll, T., Harvey, L. A., Brodaty, H., Draper, B., Close, J., Churruca, K. & Olivetti, L.
1/03/17 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
Better Evidence for earlier identification and Surgical intervention for RefracTory epilepsy (The BEST Study): A one-year pilot study
Rapport, F., Mitchell, R., Nikpour, A., Bleasel, A., Herkes, G. K., Vagholkar, S., Mumford, V., Doel, M., Hutchings, H., Kerr, M., Willcock, S., Shih, P., Clay-Williams, R. & Braithwaite, J.
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Preventing motor neurone disease: barriers, facilitators, costs and benefits of genetic testing for MND in Australia
Crook, A., Hogden, A., Mumford, V., Rowe, D., Blair, I. & Williams, K.
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Predicting the Diagnostic Performance of Individuals and Organisations: Measuring the Role and Impact of Cue Utilisation
Wiggins, M., Westbrook, J., Loft, S., Braithwaite, J., Helton, W., Burgess, G., Sonego, E., Hinch, L., Sharp, C., Stephenson, P., Paramasibam, S., Kowal, D., Elliot, P. & Abdel-Razaq, T.
13/12/16 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Burden and cost of injury-attributable health care use and mortality in Australia
Mitchell, R., Williamson, A., McClure, R. J. & Cameron, C.
22/03/16 → 30/09/16
Project: Research
Data Analysis for the LSA patient survey administred in 2014/2015
10/03/16 → 30/06/16
Project: Research
Preparing Australia for Genomic Medicine, A proposal by the Australian Genomics Health Alliance (AGHA). (APP1113531) NHMRC Targeted Research Call into Genomics $25 million over 5 years
North, K., Sinclair, A., Little, M., Laing, N. G., Christodoulou, J., Scott, H., Oshlack, A., Thorne, N., Dinger, M., Hansen, D., Lonie, A., Schofield, D., Ward, R. L., Gaff, C., Metcalfe, S. A., Thorburn, D. R., Fox, S., Thomas, D. M., Hilton, D., MacArthur, D. G., Gibbs, R. A., Speed, T. P., Waring, P., Baynam, G., Amor, D. J., Buckley, M., Waddell, N., Fletcher, J., McGaughran, J., Graves, D., Berkovic, S. F., Scheffer, I., Gecz, J., Cook, M., O'Brien, T. J., Simons, C., Roscioli, T., Field, M., White, D., Marshall, G., Millward, M., Spurdle, A., Ekert, P., Southey, M. C., Winship, I., Dobrovic, A., Haber, M., Trapani, J., Desai, J., Beilby, J., Bowtell, D. D. L., McArthur, G. A., Mitchell, G., Johnstone, R. W., Forrest, S. M., Wainwright, B. J., Leedman, P., Meldrum, C. J., Grimmond, S. M., Taylor, G., Papenfuss, A., Mattick, J. S., Botten, L., Pearson, J. V., Groza, T., Sinnott, R., Lorgelly, P. K., Carlin, J. B., Newson, A., Dunlop, K., Reddel, R. R., Wesselingh, S. L., Brown, M. A., Carapetis, J., Foote, S., McNeil, J., Gannon, F., Cowell, C., Lopez, A., Dromey, J., Braithwaite, J. & Coiera, E.
1/01/16 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Expert panel for health system performance
Cutler, H., Schroeder, L., Parkinson, B., Smith, P., Coiera, E., Westbrook, J., Georgiou, A., Makeham, M., Mitchell, R., Rapport, F., Greenfield, D. & Gallego-Luxan, B.
4/12/15 → 30/06/17
Project: Research
Delivering safe and effective test result communication, management and follow-up
Georgiou, A., Westbrook, J., Greenfield, D., Horvath, A., Wakefield, D., Li, L. & Hillman, K.
1/12/15 → 30/11/21
Project: Research
Unwarranted clinical variation following hospitalised injury in young people in NSW: Informing trauma and healthcare practices
Mitchell, R., Curtis, K. & Braithwaite, J.
30/06/15 → 31/05/17
Project: Research