Activities per year
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Do early life chronic inflammatory conditions predict low back pain in adolescence and young adulthood?
Amber Beynon (Speaker)
30 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Does exposure to prolonged durations of sitting result in immediate increases in back pain? A systematic review of studies with objectively measured sitting time.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
A potential role for chiropractors in the early detection and management of women at risk of developing chronic respiratory disease later in life.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Trajectories of C-reactive protein and body mass index: are they related?
Amber Beynon (Speaker)
1 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
A potential role for chiropractors in the early detection and management of women at risk of developing chronic respiratory disease later in life.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
Aug 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Multisite joint pain in older Australian women is associated with poorer psychosocial health and greater medication use.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Systematic review with meta-analysis of chronic physical illnesses, mental health disorders and psychological features as potential risk factors for back pain from childhood to young adulthood.
Amber Beynon (Speaker)
23 Aug 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Older patients who present to chiropractors in Australia and Canada: Who are they and what conditions do they present with?
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
A potential role for chiropractors in the early detection and management of women at risk of developing chronic respiratory disease later in life.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
BAck Complaints in the Elderly: Chiropractic – Australia (BACE: C - A). A protocol and recruitment update
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Breathing difficulty, chest and back pain predict bronchitis and emphysema in women: A potential role for chiropractors in chronic respiratory disease management?
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Effectiveness of treatments to decrease thoracic hyperkyphosis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. CA National conference.
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
Aug 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Effectiveness of treatments to decrease thoracic hyperkyphosis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The bench-top performance of the VerteTrack system for the assessment of spinal stiffness
Annie Young (Speaker), Michael Swain (Speaker), Gregory Kawchuck (Speaker), Arnold Wong (Speaker) & Aron Downie (Speaker)
20 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Development of an electronic clinical decision support system for the management of low back pain in community pharmacy
Aron Downie (Speaker), Mark Hancock (Speaker), Christina Abdel Shaheed (Speaker), Andrew McLachlan (Speaker), Baki Kocaballi (Speaker), Christopher M. Williams (Speaker), Zoe A Michaleff (Speaker) & Chris G Maher (Speaker)
31 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
General medical practitioner experiences using a low back pain management booklet aiming to decrease non-indicated imaging for low back pain: a qualitative study.
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Potential risk factors and triggers for back pain in children and young adults. A Scoping Review
Amber Beynon (Speaker)
3 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Effectiveness of treatments to decrease thoracic hyperkyphosis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The usefulness of a management algorithm in developing the clinical decision making skills of chiropractic students: a prospective cohort study.
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
A workforce study on Sports Chiropractic in Australia.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Breathing difficulty, chest and back pain predict bronchitis and emphysema in women
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
General medical practitioner perspectives on the use of an intervention aiming to decrease non-indicated imaging for low back pain
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
6 Sept 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Multisite joint pain in older Australian women is associated with poorer psychosocial health and greater medication use.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
How common is imaging for low back pain in primary and emergency care? Systematic review and meta-analysis of over 4 million imaging requests across 21 years
Aron Downie (Speaker), Mark Hancock (Speaker), Hazel Jenkins (Speaker), Rachelle Buchbinder (Speaker), Ian A. Harris (Speaker), Martin Underwood (Speaker), Stacy Goergen (Speaker) & Chris G Maher (Speaker)
31 Aug 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The associations between multisite joint pain and psychosocial health and greater medication use in older Australian women.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Neck pain and cognitive function impairment among older adults in the United States general population
Katie De Luca (Speaker), Scott Haldeman (Speaker) & Haiou Yang (Speaker)
31 Aug 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Characteristics of chiropractors who manage people aged 65 and older: A nationally representative sample of 1903 chiropractors
Katie De Luca (Speaker), Craig Moore (Speaker), Arnold Wong (Speaker), Matthew Fernandez (Speaker), Michael Swain (Speaker), Jan Hartvigsen (Speaker), Jon Adams (Speaker) & Wenbo Peng (Speaker)
31 Aug 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Multisite joint pain in older Australian women is associated with poorer psychosocial health and greater medication use.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
31 Aug 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The World Federation of Chiropractors Education Conference: Empowered to Teach, Inspired to Learn: Creating Excellence in Chiropractic Education
Stephney Whillier (Speaker)
24 Oct 2018 → 27 Oct 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
How common is imaging for low back pain in primary and emergency care? Systematic review and meta-analysis of over 4 million imaging requests across 21 years
Aron Downie (Speaker), Mark Hancock (Speaker), Hazel Jenkins (Speaker), Rachelle Buchbinder (Speaker), Ian A. Harris (Speaker), Martin Underwood (Speaker), Stacy Goergen (Speaker) & Chris G Maher (Speaker)
7 Jul 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Neck pain and cognitive function impairment among older adults in the United States general population
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Characteristics of chiropractors who manage people aged 65 and older: A nationally representative sample of 1903 chiropractors.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The inter-rater reliability of static palpation of the thoracic spine for eliciting tenderness and to test for a manipulable lesion
Amber Beynon (Speaker)
13 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Characteristics of Australian chiropractors treating athletes: Results from a practice based research network.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Professional and practice characteristics of rural Australian chiropractors: A secondary analysis of the Australian Chiropractic Research Network (ACORN) project data.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The profile of chiropractors managing patients with low back-related leg pain: Analyses of 1,907 chiropractors from the ACORN practice-based research network.
Matthew Fernandez (Speaker), Craig Moore (Speaker), Wenbo Peng (Speaker), Katie De Luca (Speaker), Katie Pohlman (Speaker), Michael Swain (Speaker) & Jon Adams (Speaker)
21 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Appropriateness of imaging for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
John Magnussen (Speaker), Hazel Jenkins (Speaker), Aron Downie (Speaker), Niamh Moloney (Speaker), Christopher Maher (Speaker) & Mark Hancock (Speaker)
12 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The efficacy of manual therapy on pain and quality of life in older persons with chronic low back pain: A systematic review.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Appropriateness of imaging for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
21 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The profile of chiropractors managing patients with low back-related leg pain: Analyses of 1,907 chiropractors from the ACORN practice-based research network.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The profile of chiropractors managing patients with low back-related leg pain: Analyses of 1,907 chiropractors from the ACORN practice-based research network.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Professional and practice characteristics of rural Australian chiropractors: A secondary analysis of the Australian Chiropractic Research Network (ACORN) project data.
Jon Adams (Speaker), Katie De Luca (Speaker), Michael Swain (Speaker), Martha Funabashi (Speaker), Arnold Wong (Speaker), Isabelle Page (Speaker) & Wenbo Peng (Speaker)
13 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Appropriateness of imaging for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
John Magnussen (Speaker), Hazel Jenkins (Speaker), Aron Downie (Speaker), Niamh Moloney (Speaker), Christopher Maher (Speaker) & Mark Hancock (Speaker)
13 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Barriers and facilitators to implementing a booklet aiming to reduce imaging in primary care: a qualitative study with providers and patients
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
13 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Chiropractic identity, role, setting and future: a survey of Australian and New Zealand chiropractic students.
Katie De Luca (Speaker)
2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The efficacy of manual therapy on pain and quality of life in older persons with chronic low back pain: A systematic review.
Katie De Luca (Speaker), Sheng Hung Fang (Speaker), Justin Ong (Speaker), Ki Soo Shin (Speaker), Samuel Woods (Speaker) & Peter Tuchin (Speaker)
18 Mar 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Chiropractic identity, role, setting and future: a survey of Australian and New Zealand chiropractic students.
Katie De Luca (Speaker), Jordan Gliedt (Speaker), Matthew Fernandez (Speaker), Gregory Kawchuk (Speaker) & Michael Swain (Speaker)
21 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The inter-rater reliability of static palpation of the thoracic spine for eliciting tenderness and to test for a manipulable lesion.
Amber Beynon (Speaker)
20 Jul 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
Appropriateness of imaging for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hazel Jenkins (Speaker)
13 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation
The profile of chiropractors managing patients with low back-related leg pain: Analyses of 1,907 chiropractors from the ACORN practice-based research network.
Matthew Fernandez (Speaker), Craig Moore (Speaker), Wenbo Peng (Speaker), Katie De Luca (Speaker), K. A. Pohlman (Speaker), Michael Swain (Speaker) & Jon Adams (Speaker)
13 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Presentation