Projects per year
- 1,300 - 1,350 out of 1,498 results
Search results
Information and cultural exchange: a study of best practices in community building, participation and cultural citizenship through creative practices
Lloyd, J., Vanni Accarigi, I., Dreher, T., Ghosh, D., Ho, C. & Mitchell, A.
1/01/08 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
A multi-modal investigation of current and proposed structures and processes determining and sustaining quality in Australian centre based child care
Stapledon, J., Harrison, L., Press, F., Sumsion, J. & Fenech, M.
1/01/08 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Redemocratizing Latin America: women as vocal citizens in Uruguay and Argentina
Valverde, E.
6/12/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Will the real mummy please step forward: dating ancient Egyptian human remains in Museum collections
Sowada, K., Jacobsen, G., Bertuch, F. & Jenkinson, A.
1/12/07 → 13/07/09
Project: Research
A comparative Analysis of the Impact of Law Reform Integrating the Victem into Legal Proceedings in NSW and the UK
Kirchengast, T.
29/11/07 → 28/11/08
Project: Research
Sovereignty and Unfree Labour: Convicts and Jurisdiction in the Australian Colonies, 1788 to 1870
Ford, L.
26/11/07 → 25/11/08
Project: Research
WorkChoices and the experience of Australian working life: a qualitative research project
28/09/07 → 27/09/08
Project: Research
Case Management Collaboration: Innovation in community and short term, transitional and long-term care
Fine, M., Latimer Hill, E. & Clark, L.
24/09/07 → 23/09/08
Project: Research
'Under the Black Flag'. Claiming Indigenous Citizenship in Twentieth Century Australia
18/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Cultural Auracy: developing a methodology for the analysis of sonic texts and their cultural meanings
Cranny-Francis, A.
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Recovering Australia's legal heritage: colonial case law
Buck, A. & Kercher, B.
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Excavations at Dra Abu el-Naga North Thebes: Epigraphic recording and investigation of Theban Tomb 147
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Archaeological field-work in Dra Abu el Naga (West Bank, Luxor/Egypt): excavation, recording and investigation of Theban Tomb 161
1/07/07 → 25/02/09
Project: Research
Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
Demuth, K., Thornton, R., Crain, S., Peters, P., Cupples, L., Johnston, T., Nickels, L., McMahon, C., Johnson, M., Armstrong, B., Cox, F., Harrison, E., Mannell, R., Napier, J., Newall, P., Rieschild, V., Slatyer, H., Tent, J., Lising, L., Möllering, M., Winchester-Seeto, T., Jensen, B., Palethorpe, S. & Tesan, G.
1/07/07 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Barriers to Participation: The Experiences of Disadvantaged Young Children, their Families, and Professions in engaging with Early Childhood Services
Grace, R.
1/07/07 → 31/07/10
Project: Research
Towards a Visual Jurisprudence: improving the use of photographs and other visual evidence in the criminal justice system
Biber, K.
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
The Resurgence of the Essay Film: Strategies for Innovation in Non-Fiction Filmmaking
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Regulating India's Religious Identity: Anti-conversion Law in a Transnational Frame
Osuri, G.
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
From the Neuron to the Self: human nature and the new cognitive neurosciences
Sutton, J., Bayne, T., Coltheart, M., Crain, S., Langdon, R., Mackenzie, C., Menzies, P. & Barnier, A.
1/07/07 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
X-ray (XRF, XRD) analyses to reveal the provenance, manufacture and trade of ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean ceramics
Kanawati, N., Gore, D. & Van Dyke, K.
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Emotions in different languages: culture-general and culture-specific aspects
1/07/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Completing the Gallipoli story: Researching Turkish Archives for a More Comprehensive History
Waterson, D., Prior, R., Stanley, P., Akgun, S. & Broadbent, H.
1/07/07 → 30/06/13
Project: Research
Human rights laws in Australia - an empirical study of whether they make a difference
Meyerson, D. & Rice, S.
1/07/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Everyday Multiculturalism, Globalisation and Singapore's Little India
1/06/07 → 31/05/08
Project: Research
Communication structures in monastic communities in Upper Egypt : A case study
Behlmer-Loprieno, H.
1/06/07 → 31/05/08
Project: Research
Concluding Two Research Projects: 1) Global Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy, and 2) International Conflict and International Economic Interactions
Goldsmith, B.
1/06/07 → 31/08/08
Project: Research
Envisioning Country: Yolngu ways of seeing, knowing and making video
Deger, J. & Marrawakamirr, S.
1/06/07 → 1/06/08
Project: Research
Constructing shared understandings in early childhood: A study of persistence and change in parents' and teachers' beliefs about children's development
Pearson, E.
13/04/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Why do race discrimination complaints fail, and would shifting the burden of proof to the alleged discriminator make a difference?
Rice, S.
23/03/07 → 22/03/08
Project: Research
You Mean We Can Publish Anything We Want?: The Indymedia Online News Network and its Open Publishing Ethos
Meikle, G.
16/03/07 → 1/07/09
Project: Research
Understanding Lesbian Identity and Culture in Sydney, 1918-1970
Jennings, R.
26/02/07 → 24/06/11
Project: Research
Investigation of the relationship between property law and environmental sustainability with regard to water title and usage
Graham, N.
15/02/07 → 30/06/08
Project: Research
Working mathematically: Teaching and learning in an interactive multimedia e-learning environment
Mitchelmore, M., Hedberg, J., Mulligan, J. & Cavanagh, M.
15/02/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Social forces and sexual desire. A history of sexuality, Australia 1900-1961
Featherstone, L.
1/02/07 → 31/01/10
Project: Research
Mind and Metaphor: Literary Texts, Cultural Transmission, and Concepts of the Mind
Harbus, A.
1/01/07 → 30/06/08
Project: Research
Wittgenstein and the language-games of post-modernity
Lanzetta, S.
1/01/07 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
The Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature
Roe, J., Jose, N. & McCooey, D.
1/01/07 → 30/11/10
Project: Research
A Study of the Wall Scenes in the Old Kingdom Provincial Cemetery of El-Hawawish in Upper Egypt
Thompson, E.
1/01/07 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
Transforming the technologies and modalities of learning: The case of the New Life Sciences in secondary schooling
Hedberg, J. & Van Rooy, W.
1/01/07 → 31/01/09
Project: Research