- 200 - 250 out of 341 results
Search results
Salut Muhidin
- Department of Management - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Workforce Futures
Person: Teaching and research
Pundarik Mukhopadhaya
Person: Teaching and research
Rahat Munir
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Head Of Department and Professor
Person: Teaching and research
Marjan Nazifi
- Department of Economics - Senior Lecturer
- Transforming Energy Markets Research Centre
Person: Teaching only
Van Ky Long Nguyen
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Professional Casual
- Macquarie Business School
Person: Professional, Master of Research
Nuraddeen Nuhu
Person: Teaching and research
Peipei Pan
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance
Person: Teaching and research
Terry Pan
- Department of Applied Finance - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance
Person: Teaching and research
Nick Parr
- Department of Management - Honorary Professor
- Centre for Workforce Futures
Person: Honorary academic
Chris Patel
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Professor of Accounting
- Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance
Person: Teaching and research
Wendy Paterson
- Department of Management - Academic Casual
- Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
Person: Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching only
Dinuja Perera
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Academic Casual
- Macquarie University College - Professional Casual
Person: Professional, Teaching only
Katya Petetskaya
- Department of Economics - Professional Casual
- Faculty of Arts
Person: Professional, Doctor of Philosophy
Thanh (Moon) Phan
Person: Teaching and research
Ingrid Piller
- Department of Linguistics - Distinguished Professor of Applied Linguistics
- Hearing Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
David Pitt
- Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics - Honorary Professor
- Centre for Risk Analytics
Person: Honorary academic
Sagira Sultana Provaty
- Macquarie Business School - Professional Casual
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Academic Casual
Person: Professional, Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching only
Alison Pullen
- Department of Management - Professor of Management and Organisation Studies
Person: Teaching and research
Michael Quilter
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Academic Casual
Person: Teaching only
Arvind Rangarajan
- Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics - Professional Casual
- Macquarie Business School
Person: Professional, Doctor of Philosophy
Grant Richardson
- Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance - Professor
- Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance
Person: Teaching and research
John Romalis
- Department of Economics - Head of Department, Economics
- Data Horizons Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Noura Saba
Person: Professional, Doctor of Philosophy
Nazanin Sadeghi
- Department of Applied Finance - Professional Casual
- Macquarie Business School
Person: Professional, Doctor of Philosophy
Narges Safari
- Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching and research
Fatemeh Salehi
- Faculty of Science and Engineering - Academic Lead, Sustainability
- Centre for Energy and Natural Resources Innovation and Transformation (CENRIT)
- Smart Green Cities Research Centre
- Transforming Energy Markets Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Guy Schofield
- Department of Applied Finance - Senior Lecturer (Teaching and Leadership)
- Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics - Academic Casual
Person: Teaching only
John Selby
- Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary academic