6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Alex Simpson with the persons below:
Brian Cuddy
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Lecturer in Security Studies
Person: Teaching and research
Jade Hutchinson
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Academic Casual
- Faculty of Arts
- Department of History and Archaeology - Academic Casual
Person: Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching only
Lavina Lee
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching and research
Ed Moore
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Lecturer (Teaching and Leadership)
Person: Teaching only
Lise Waldek
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching and research
Jennifer Williams
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Lecturer in Cyber Security Analysis, Professional Casual
- Faculty of Arts
Person: Professional, Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching and research