Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
- Asia-Pacific strategic trends
- US strategy in Asia-Pacific
- Geopolitics and geostrategy
- Taiwan's defence policy
- Australian defence policy
- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
Professor Ben Schreer is the Head of Department at SSC. He teaches and researches in security and strategic studies, with a main focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Professor Schreer regularly provides expert advice to national and international media on these subjects. He is a member and associate fellow in the Asia-Pacific programme of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London and a member of the editorial board of the Journal for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (JPICT) and the Australian Journal of International Affairs. In 2019, he was also a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) in Tokyo.
Prior to joining Macquarie University, he was Senior Analyst for Defence Strategy at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI); Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC) at the Australian National University (ANU); Deputy Director of the Aspen Institute Germany; Research Group Leader in the Centre of Excellence at the University of Konstanz; and Research Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP).
PICT8060 Geopolitics and Geostrategy
I am happy to supervise PhD and Master of Research (MRES) students on topics that align with my research interests.
The Howard Legacy: Australian Military Strategy, 1996-2007 (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2008).
Edited Books
The Taiwan Issue: Problems and Prospects (London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2019). (with Andrew Tan).
Terrorism and Insurgency in Asia: A contemporary examination of terrorist and separatist movements,(London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2019). (with Andrew Tan).
Journal Articles
47. "Arming without aiming? Challenges for Japan's Amphibious Capability", Texas National Security Review, Policy Roundtable: The Future of Japanese Security and Defense", 1 October 2020.
46. 'Post INF: What Will US Indo-Pacific Allies Do?', Washington Quarterly, Vol. 43, No. 1 (Spring 2020), pp. 143-157.
45. 'Why US-Sino competition is good for Australia', Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 73, No. 5 (2019), pp. 431-448.
44. 'Trump, NATO and the Future of Europe's Defence', RUSI Journal, Vol. 164, No. 1 (2019), pp. 10-17.
43. 'Towards contested "spheres of influence" in the Western Pacific: China's rise, classical geopolitics, and Asia-Pacific stability', Geopolitics, Vol. 41, No. 2 (2019), pp. 503-522.
42. ‘Countering China’s United Front’, The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Summer 2018). pp. 155-170. (with Bates Gill).
41. ‘Australia and the “rules-based order” in Asia – Of Principles and Pragmatism’, Asian Survey, Vol. 58, No. 2 (March-April 2018), pp. 302-319. (with Nick Bisley).
40. 'Embracing the Dragon? Europe's major power and the rise of China', Global Affairs Vol. 3, No. 2 (2017), pp. 153-163. (with Yves-Heng Lim).
39. ‘Trump’s missing Asia strategy’, Survival, Vol. 59, No. 3(June-July 2017), pp. 81-89. (with Tim Huxley).
38. ‘The double-edged sword of coercion: Cross-Strait stability after the 2016 Taiwan election’, Asian Politics & Policy, Vol. 9, No. 1 (January 2017), pp. 50-65.
37. ‘Correspondence: Stability or Volatility across the Taiwan Strait?’, International Security, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Fall 2016), pp. 192-197. (with Sheryn Lee).
36. ‘Australia’s “special strategic relationship” with Japan: Another China Choice?’, Australian Journal for International Affairs, Vol. 70, No. 1 (January/February 2016), pp. 37-49.
35. ‘Standing up to China’, Survival, Vol. 57, No. 6 (November/December 2015), pp. 127-144. (with Tim Huxley).
34. ‘The strategic implications of China’s more secure nuclear second-strike capability, Asia Policy, No. 19 (January 2015), pp. 14-20.
33. ‘The Taiwan Strait: Still Dangerous’, Survival, Vol. 55, No. 3 (June/July 2013), pp. 55-62. (with Sheryn Lee).
32. ‘Strategic Posture Review: Australia’, World Politics Review, 23 November 2013.
31. ‘Business as usual? The 2013 Defence White Paper and the US Alliance’, Security Challenges, Vol. 9, No. 2 (2013), pp. 35-42.
30. ‘The Willing Ally? Australian Strategic Policy in a Contested Asia’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 157, No. 5 (October-November 2012), pp. 78-84. (with Sheryn Lee).
29. ‘Towards a ‘post-American’ alliance? NATO burden-sharing after Libya’, International Affairs, Vol. 88, No. 2 (March 2012), pp. 313-327. (with Ellen Hallams).
28. ‘More flexible, less coherent: NATO after Lisbon’, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 66, No. 1 (February 2012), pp. 20-33. (with Timo Noetzel).
27. ‘The Korean Crises and Sino-American Rivalry’, Survival, Vol. 53, No. 1 (February 2011), pp. 13-19. (with Brendan Taylor).
26. ‘Salvaging Global Zero: Diplomacy in the Second Nuclear Age’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 155, No. 3 (June/July 2010), pp. 42-46. (with Joachim Krause).
25. ‘Vision mit Widersprüchen’, Internationale Politik, No. 4 (July/August 2010), pp. 98-103. (with Joachim Krause) .
24. ‘Political Constraints: The German Army and Counterinsurgency’, Security Challenges, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2010), pp. 97-108.
23. ‘Creating the Next Generation of NATO Partnerships’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 155, No. 1 (February 2010), pp. 52-57. (with Stephan Frühling).
22. ‘Getting to Zero. From nuclear sharing to a European deterrence strategy’, IP Global Edition, Vol. 11, No. 1 (January/February 2010), pp. 50-54. (with Patrick Keller).
21. ‘NATO’s Vietnam? Afghanistan and the Future of the Atlantic Alliance’, Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 30, No. 3 (December 2009), pp. 529-547. (with Timo Noetzel).
20. ‘NATO’s New Strategic Concept and US Commitments in the Asia-Pacific’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 154, No. 5 (October 2009), pp. 98-103. (with Stephan Frühling).
19. ‘Australia’s Last Priority. Lessons for the future of NATO’s global partnerships’, IP Global Edition, Vol. 10 (November/December 2009), pp. 46-50. (with Stephan Frühling).
18. ‘A new “pragmatism”: Germany’s NATO Policy’, International Journal, Vol. 64, No. 2 (Spring 2009), pp. 383-398.
17. ‘Does a multi-tier NATO matter? The Atlantic alliance and the process of strategic change’, International Affairs, Vol. 85, No. 2 (March 2009), pp. 211–226. (with Timo Noetzel).
16. ‘Missing Links: The Evolution of German Counter-Insurgency Thinking’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 154, No. 1 (February 2009), pp. 16-22. (with Timo Noetzel).
15. ‘The Atlantic Alliance and Strategic Defense’, IP Global Edition, Vol. 2, No. 9 (Summer 2008), pp. 24-27.
14. ‘All the Way? The Evolution of German Military Power’, International Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 2 (March 2008), pp. 211-221. (with Timo Noetzel).
13. ‘Heiße Kartoffel Raketenabwehr’, Internationale Politik, Vol. 63, No. 3 (March 2008), pp. 44-49.
12. ‘Counter-what? Germany and Counter-Insurgency in Afghanistan’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 153, No. 1 (February 2008), pp. 42-46. (with Timo Noetzel).
11. ‘Ende einer Illusion. Die sicherheitspolitische Debatte in Deutschland macht einen großen Bogen um die Wirklichkeit’, Internationale Politik, Vol. 63, No. 1 (January 2008), pp. 96–101. (with Timo Noetzel).
10. ‘Krieg oder Nicht-Krieg? Plädoyer für eine ernsthafte Debatte über den Bundeswehreinsatz in Afghanistan’, Internationale Politik, Vol. 62, No. 4 (April 2007), pp. 100-105. (with Timo Noetzel).
9. ‘Dead upon Arrival? The Quadrennial Defense Review Report 2006’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 151, No. 2 (April 2006), pp. 34-37.
8. ‘Neuausrichtung der amerikanischen Militärpolitik? - QDR 2006’, Europäische Sicherheit, Vol. 55, No. 4 (April 2006), pp. 62-65.
7. ‘Entwicklungsperspektiven des amerikanischen Verteidigungshaushalts’, Europäische Sicherheit, Vol. 54, No. 4 (April 2005), pp. 66-67.
6. ‘US-Verteidigungshaushalt 2005: Weichenstellung in Richtung Transformation?’, Europäische Sicherheit Vol. 53, No. 10 (October 2004), pp. 21-23.
5. ‘Demokratie als Waffe? Präemption und das neue Abschreckungskonzept der USA’, Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, Vol. 57 (July 2003), pp. 627-633. (with Thomas Rid).
4. ‘Who's next? Die USA, Iran und die Präemption’, Internationale Politik, Vol. 58, No. 6 (June 2003), pp. 55-58.
3. ‘Wohin gehen die USA? Die neue nationale Sicherheitsstrategie der Bush-Administration’, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (December 2002), pp. 40-46. (with Joachim Krause, Jan Irlenkaeuser).
2. ‘Eine "neue" Nuklearstrategie der USA? Die Nuclear Posture Review’, Internationale Politik, Vol. 57, No. 7 (July 2002), pp. 35-42. (with Joachim Krause).
1. ‘Germany and U.S. Missile Defense: The Case for a Real Debate’, Contemporary Perspectives on European Security, AICGS German Issues, Vol. 27 (February 2002), pp. 35-70.
Book chapters
16. ‘Strategy on autopilot: NATO’s Operation Resolute Support and the Continued Failure of Western Strategy in Afghanistan’, in Benjamin Schreer and Andrew Tan (eds.), Terrorism and Insurgency in Asia: A contemporary examination of terrorist and separatist movements (London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2019), 58-71. (with Tom Waldman).
15. ‘Missing Links: Strategic Change and Problems for US Strategy in Asia’, in Andrew Tan (ed.), Handbook on the United States and Asia: Managing Hegemonic Decline, Retaining Influence in the Trump Era (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. 95-113.
14. ‘Facing the Dragon: Debating the US Military Response to China’, in Andrew Tan (ed.), Handbook on US-China Relations (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016), pp. 359-378.
13. ‘The ‘Priceless Alliance’: Paul Dibb and ANZUS’, in Desmond Ball and Sheryn Lee (eds.), Geography, Power, Strategy & Defence Policy: Essays in Honour of Paul Dibb (Canberra: ANU Press, 2016), pp. 139-154.
12. ‘Taiwan’s Defence Options’, in Andrew Tan (ed.), Security and Conflict in East Asia (London: Routledge International Handbooks, 2015), pp. 121-130.
11. ‘Garuda rising? Indonesia’s arduous process of military change’, in Jo Inge Bekkevold, Ian Bowers and Michael Raska (eds.), Security, Strategy and Military Change in the 21st Century: Cross-Regional Perspectives (London: Routledge, 2015), pp. 55-69.
10. ‘As good as it gets? Australia and NATO beyond Afghanistan’, in Trine Flockhart (ed.), Cooperative Security: NATO’s Partnership Policy in a Changing World (Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, 2014), pp. 99-110.
9. ‘The Evolution of NATO’s Strategy in Afghanistan’, in Håkan Edström and Dennis Gyllensporre (eds.), Pursuing Strategy: NATO Operations from the Gulf War to Gaddafi (Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 2012), pp. 139-156.
8. ‘The ‘Natural Ally’? The ‘Natural Partner’? Australia and the Atlantic Alliance’, in Håkan Edström, Janne Haaland Matlary and Magnus Petersson (eds.), NATO: The Power of Partnership (Basingstoke: Palgrave, MacMillan, 2011), pp. 40-59.
7. ‘Challenges and Prospects for NATO “Complex Operations” ’, in Christopher M. Schnaubelt (ed.), Complex Operations: NATO at war or on the margins of war (Rome: NATO Defense College, July 2010), pp. 201-211.
6. ‘NATO and Counterinsurgency: Lessons from Afghanistan’, in Christopher M. Schnaubelt (ed.), Counterinsurgency: the challenge for NATO strategy and operation (Rome: NATO Defense College, November 2009), pp. 43-57.
5. ‘Australien: Gestiegene regionale und globale Ambitionen’, in Jörg Husar, Günther Maihold and Stefan Mair (eds.), Neue Führungsmaechte: Partner deutscher Außenpolitik? (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008), pp. 33-48.
4. ‘Vernetzte Kontrolle: Zur Zukunft des Parlamentsvorbehalts’, in Stefan Mair (ed.), Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr. Leitfragen, Entscheidungsspielräume und Lehren (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, September 2007), pp. 35-42. (with Timo Noetzel).
3. ‘Abschreckung im 21. Jahrhunder aus US-amerikanischer Perspektive’, in Roland Kaestner and Andreas Kessler (eds.), Abschreckung im 21. Jahrhundert (Munich: IAP, 2007), pp. 47-59.
2. ‘US Defense Transformation and its Implications for Europe’, in Gunther Hauser and Franz Kernic (eds.), European Security in Transition (Aldershot: Ashgate 2006), pp. 103-114.
1. ‘Die Transformation des Heeres’, in Joachim Krause and Jan C. Irlenkaeuser (eds.), Bundeswehr - Die nächsten 50 Jahre. Anforderungen an deutsche Streitkräfte im 21. Jahrhundert (Opladen: Budrich 2006), pp. 183-191.
Commissioned reports
8. Assessing the Ambitious Reforms of the People’s Liberation Army: Progress, Problems, and Prospects, Department of Defence, Commonwealth of Australia, March 2020 (with Dennis Blasko, Bates Gill and Adam Ni).
7. ‘Managing the Asia-Pacific’s Nuclear Dynamics’, in International Institute for Strategic Studies, Regional Security Assessment 2017,(London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2017), pp. 111-123.
6. ‘Australia’s Uncertain Regional Security Role’, in International Institute for Strategic Studies, Regional Security Assessment 2017,(London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2017), pp. 81-93.
5. ‘Australia’ in International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 2017 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2017), pp. 249-251.
4. ‘Australia: Ambiguous Policies on Asian Security’, in International Institute for Strategic Studies, Strategic Survey 2016: The Annual Review of World Affairs (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2016), pp. 114-119.
3. ‘Australia: Political Rows and Regional Hedging’, International Institute for Strategic Studies, Strategic Survey 2015: The Annual Review of World Affairs (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2015), pp. 380-387.
2. ‘The United States’ Evolving Regional Military Posture’, in International Institute for Strategic Studies, Regional Security Assessment 2015,(London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2015), pp. 61-75.
1. NATO in Afghanistan. Challenges and Options for the Next 24 Months, Study for the Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, Tasked by General Egon Ramms, Allied Joint Force Command, Brunssum, January 2010. (with Timo Noetzel).
Reports and policy papers
13. ‘Time to start worrying again? Cross-strait stability after the 2016 Taiwanese elections’, Strategic Insight 104, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, March 2016. (with Sheryn Lee).
12. US Conventional Prompt Global Strike: Potential Implications for the Asia Pacific, Policy Brief, S. Rajaratnam School for International Studies, Singapore, June 2015.
11. ‘The strategic dimension of ‘Option J’: Australia’s submarine choice and its security relations with Japan’, Strategic Insight 85, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, March 2015. (with Andrew Davies).
10. ‘Jump Jets for the ADF?’, Strategic Insight 78, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, November 2014. (with Richard Brabin-Smith).
9. Russia and the West: How to restart a constructive relationship, Aspen European Strategy Forum, Aspen Institute Berlin, Germany 2009. (with Joachim Krause, Andrew Kuchins, Alexander Rahr and Charles King Mallory).
8. ‘Strategien zur Aufstandsbekämpfung. Neue Ansätze für die ISAF-Mission’, SWP-Aktuell, No. 3, January 2008. (with Timo Noetzel).
7. Zwischen den Stühlen? Deutschland und die Raketenabwehr, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Warsaw, November 2007.
6. ‘Parlamentsvorbehalt auf dem Prüfstand. Anpassung der Kontrollstrukturen erforderlich’, SWP-Aktuell, No. 10, February 2007. (with Timo Noetzel).
5. ‘Spezialstreitkräfte der Bundeswehr. Politischer Handlungsbedarf’, SWP-Aktuell, Nr. 50, November 2006. (withTimo Noetzel).
4. ‘Weltweiter Einsatz gegen Terrorismus. Der "Quadrennial Defense Review Report" des US-Verteidigungsministeriums’, SWP-Aktuell, No. 10, February 2006.
3. ‘Amerikanisch-indische Sicherheitsbeziehungen. Aufbruch zu einer neuen "Ära"?’, SWP-Aktuell, No. 33, July 2005. (with Christian Wagner).
2. ‘Japans Verteidigungspolitik’, SWP-Aktuell, No. 61, December 2004.
1. ‘Der US-Verteidigungshaushalt 2005. Weichenstellung in Richtung Transformation?’, SWP-Aktuell, No. 31, July 2004.
Monographs/Occasional Papers
9. Expanding alliance: ANZUS cooperation and Asia-Pacific security (Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, December 2014). (with Peter Jennings, Andrew Davies and David Nichola).
8. A versatile force – The future of Australia’s special operations capability (Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, April 2014). (with Peter Jennings and Andrew Davies).
7. Moving beyond ambitions? Indonesia’s military modernisation (Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, November 2013).
6. Planning the Unthinkable War: ‘AirSea Battle’ and its implications for Australia (Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, April 2013).
5. Spezialkräfte der Bundeswehr. Strukturerfordernisse für den Auslandseinsatz (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, September 2007). (with Timo Noetzel).
4. Australiens Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik. Zwischen regionaler und globaler Sicherheit, (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, November 2006).
3. Divergent Perspectives on Military Transformation (Berlin: StiftungWissenschaft und Politik, June 2005). (edited with Eugene Whitlock).
2. Die U.S. Army nach dem Irakkrieg. Lehren und Versäumnisse (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, September 2004).
1. Die Transformation der US-Streitkräfte im Lichte des Irakkriegs (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, December 2003).
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
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Assessing the Ambitious Reform Plans of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA): Progress and Challenges
Gill, B., Schreer, B., Lee, S., Ni, A. & Blasko, D.
12/03/19 → 11/03/20
Project: Research
Narratives of Security Delegation: Analysing the Responses of Strategic Audiences to U.S. Sponsorship of Irregular Armed Groups in Contemporary Conflicts
Waldman, T. & Schreer, B.
1/01/19 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
A geopolitical and geostrategic blueprint for NATO's China challenge
Schreer, B., 2022, In: Comparative Strategy. 41, 2, p. 189-202 14 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
After the INF: what will US Indo-Pacific Allies do?
Schreer, B., 20 Mar 2020, In: Washington Quarterly. 43, 1, p. 143-157 15 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
2 Citations (Scopus) -
Arming without aiming? Challenges for Japan's amphibious capability
Schreer, B., 1 Oct 2020, In: Texas National Security Review. Policy Roundtable: The Future of Japanese Security and DefenseResearch output: Contribution to journal › Article
Open Access -
Assessing the ambitious reform plans of the Chinese People's Liberation Army: progress and challenges
Blasko, D., Gill, B., Ni, A. & Schreer, B., 31 Mar 2020, 117 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
Assessing the ambitious reforms of the People's Liberation Army: progress, problems, and prospects
Gill, B., Ni, A., Schreer, B. & Blasko, D., Mar 2020, 117 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
Associate Fellow Asia-Pacific Programme
Schreer, Ben (Recipient), 15 Feb 2019
Prize: Other distinction
What Japan’s U-turn on Aegis Ashore says about US alliance management
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Other
Taiwan's security risks丨ABC Radio National
Roger Lee Huang & Benjamin Schreer
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities