Personal profile

Research interests

How do technological objects, artificial and linguistic structures shape human perception, emotion and interaction? What is at stake when engaging in cultural analysis today? In what ways is criticism a creative practice?  My work responds to these questions by pursuing research in Contemporary Thought, Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Literature and Critical Posthumanism.

I am especially interested in the way technological mediation shapes the bodily experience of shame, scruple, embarrassment and laughter and the intuitive and seemingly immediate sense of self these affects entail.  

I am also involved in a number of editorial, research and translation projects that centre on the writings of the philosopher, literary author and anti-nuclear activist Günther Anders.



I currently convene units in the area of Cultural Politics, Ethics and Digital Media & Technology Studies.

Prior to my current role, I taught in interdisciplinary contexts at a number of UK universities.

Key co-ordinates include: 

Winchester School of Art (2018; Global Media Management)

University of Bristol (2014-2018; English Literature and Community Engagement)

University of South Wales (2013-2015; Photography and Cultural Studies)

Cardiff University (2013-2018; Literature, Philosophy and Critical Theory)

I have also convened, co-organised and co-taught a number of summer schools, doctoral training days and conferences, including:

2017: ‘The Cultural Politics of Empathy’ (Doctoral and Postdoctoral training day; University of Basel, Switzerland)

2016: ‘Contemporary Perspectives on the Given and the Made’ (Two week course at summer school convened by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, together with Dr. Julius Greve)

2015: ‘Cultural Translations’ (Doctoral training day; Cardiff University)

2014: ‘Cultural Politics of Memory’ (three day international conference; Cardiff University organised together with Prof Chris Weedon)



Education/Academic qualification

Critical and Cultural Theory, PhD, Shame and Technicity, Cardiff University

Award Date: 19 Jun 2013

Critical and Cultural Theory, MA, The Ethics of Abstraction, Cardiff University

Award Date: 20 Jan 2009

Cultural Criticism, BA (Hons), Cardiff University

Award Date: 10 Jul 2007

External positions

Powerhouse Research Fellowship, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

Oct 2020Dec 2020

Honorary Research Associate, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University

1 Nov 201830 Sept 2021


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