Projects per year
Search results
Calibrating astronomical spectrographs to discover Earth-like planets
Schwab, C., Coutts, D. W., Bean, J., Quirrenbach, A. & MQRES (International), M.
1/01/17 → …
Project: Research
Harnessing Astrophotonics and Adaptive Optics to Discover Habitable Planets
Schwab, C., Coutts, D. W. & MQRES, M.
1/01/16 → …
Project: Research
Macquarie University Planetary Research Centre
O'Neill, C. J., Schaefer, B., Rushmer, T., Foley, S., Turner, S., Clark, S., George, S., Kennedy, M., Piazolo, S., Afonso, J. C., De Marco, O., Wardle, M., Schwab, C., Heimlich, M., Inglis, D. & Chang, M.
1/07/15 → …
Project: Research
LE22: The MARVEL exoplanet facility
Schwab, C., Wright, D., Wittenmyer, R. A., Pope, B., Montet, B., Coutts, D. W., Van Winckel, H. & Quirrenbach, A.
11/12/22 → 10/12/23
Project: Research
MQRIS L 2022: High-precision 3D laser-tracker
Lawrence, J., Ellis, S., McGregor, H., Zheng, J., Robertson, D., Schwab, C. & Power, R.
1/01/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
MQRIS S 2022: A broad-band light source for the development of world-leading astronomical instruments
Ellis, S., Lawrence, J., Zafar, T., Zheng, J., Schwab, C., Owers, M., Kotachery, D., Zucker, D. & Gross, S.
1/01/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
MQAAAstro: Macquarie University Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrophotonics Research Centre
De Marco, O., McDermid, R., Casali, M., Wardle, M., de Grijs, R., Hopkins, A., Coutts, D. W., Withford, M., Zucker, D., Spitler, L., Owers, M., Dawson, J., Kotachery, D., Purcell, C., Schwab, C., Sealey, K., O'Toole, S., Lorente, N., Ellis, S., Lopez Sanchez, A. R., De Silva, G., Zafar, T., Ryder, S., Mulligan, J., Feger, T., Choudhury, S. & Lawrence, J.
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Other
Veloce+RAPTOR: A Robotic Telescope Leveraging Global Science from Veloce
Schwab, C., Zucker, D., Coutts, D. W., de Grijs, R., Kotachery, D., Tinney, C. G., Wittenmyer, R. A., Mackey, D., Carter, B. D., Quirrenbach, A. & Sickafoose, A.
5/07/19 → 30/05/21
Project: Research
A general use, portable, full-range vacuum pumping station with leak detector
Schwab, C., Downes, J., Ellis, S., Mildren, R., Kane, D., Carman, R., Twamley, J., Volz, T., Coutts, D. W. & McDermid, R.
1/01/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Other
MQ Photonics Research Centre - MQRC 2019
Dawes, J., Jackson, S., Mildren, R., Spence, D., Coutts, D. W., Withford, M., Bagnall, D., Pask, H., Steel, M., Kane, D., Town, G., Fuerbach, A., Zvyagin, A., Volz, T., Downes, J., Hudson, D., Inglis, D., Carman, R., Lu, Y., Lee, A., Schwab, C., Gross, S., Ploschner, M., Woodward, R., Arriola, A., Rogers, L., Munoz Matutano, G., Ams, M., Nadort, A., Payne, D., Collins, M., Pillai, S., Liang, O. & Teddy Fernandez, T.
1/01/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Other
Veloce Verde+Azzuro - Tripling the Power of Australia's Planet Foundry
Schwab, C., Tinney, C., Da Costa, G., Carter, B., Murphy, S., Stello, D., Wright, D., Yong, D., Marsden, S., Kotachery, D., De Silva, G. & Huber, D.
21/05/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
A research grade astronomy CCD camera for high precision spectroscopy
Schwab, C., Coutts, D. W., Zucker, D., Spitler, L., McDermid, R., Feger, T., Kotachery, D. & Owers, M.
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Research-Integrated Learning With On-Campus Facilities: Detecting Other Worlds with Macquarie University Observatory
McDermid, R., Schwab, C. & Coutts, D. W.
1/01/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Teaching
A laser-locked etalon for highly precise wavelength calibration of astronomical spectrographs
1/01/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Unlocking the invisible: a large format camera for astrophotonic research in the near infrared
Schwab, C., Lawrence, J., McDermid, R., Owers, M., Arriola, A., Spitler, L. & Coutts, D. W.
1/01/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Research