10 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Judy Zhu with the persons below:
Paul Sowman
- School of Psychological Sciences - Honorary Professor
- Hearing Research Centre
- Perception in Action Research Centre
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
Person: Honorary academic
Serje Robidoux
Person: Honorary academic
Matthew Roberts
- School of Computing - Senior Lecturer
- Data Horizons Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Lyndsey Nickels
Person: Teaching and research
Anita Szakay
- Department of Linguistics - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
Person: Teaching and research
Stephen Crain
- School of Psychological Sciences - Emeritus Professor
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
Person: Honorary academic
Arthur Shores
- School of Psychological Sciences - Honorary Associate Professor
Person: Honorary academic
Rebecca Bull
- Macquarie School of Education - Professor of Numeracy
- The Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE)
- Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research