12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Felicity Cox with the persons below:
Anita Szakay
- Department of Linguistics - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
Person: Teaching and research
Sallyanne Palethorpe
- Department of Linguistics - Honorary Senior Research Fellow
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
Person: Honorary academic
Ivan Yuen
- Department of Linguistics - Honorary Senior Research Fellow
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
Person: Honorary academic
Kelly Miles
- Macquarie University Hearing (MU Hearing) - Research Fellow
- Hearing Research Centre
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
- Hearing CRC
Person: Research only
Louise Ratko
- Department of Linguistics - Academic Casual, Professional Casual
Person: Professional, Teaching only
Michael Proctor
- Department of Linguistics - Associate Professor
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
- Data Horizons Research Centre
- Hearing Research Centre
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Nan Xu Rattanasone
- Department of Linguistics - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)
- Hearing Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Timothy Shea
- Department of Linguistics - Academic Casual
- Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
Person: Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching only