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Reading instruction – Exemplar ITE program outlines
Parrila, R., Castles, A., Ryan, M., McArthur, G., Hadley, F., Chik, A., Djonov, E., Kohnen, S., French, R., Wang, H. & Colenbrander, D.
15/05/20 → 31/07/20
Project: Research
Learning to read in bilingualism: Do English-Chinese bilingual children use different learning mechanisms in reading acquisition?
1/01/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
CFR: Macquarie University Centre for Reading
Castles, A., McArthur, G., Parrila, R., Badcock, N., Banales, E., Beyersmann, L., Chik, A., Coltheart, M., Cupples, L., Cutler, H., Djonov, E., Kinoshita, S., Kohnen, S., Kruger, J., Menary, R., Nickels, L., Reichle, E., Ryan, M., Wang, H. & Yu, L.
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
MQRIS: A Test Library for Educational Researchers at Macquarie
Van Bergen, P., Wang, H., Degotardi, S., Andrews, R. & Bull, R.
1/01/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Other
Investigating word recognition with Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation using Emotiv and Neuroscan EEG
De Wit, B., Schubert, T., Woolgar, A., Badcock, N., Wang, H., He, W. & Kinoshita, S.
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research