Personal profile


Justine Lloyd is a cultural sociologist in the Discipline of Sociology at Macquarie University. Her research focuses on the relationship between spatial and social change, particularly investigated through cultural histories of media and urban space. She has also published in the area of transnationalism and border theory.

Dr Lloyd is currently an Initial Reviewer for the Faculty of Arts Human Research Ethics Committee, and was recently Acting Director for the Centre for Media History and the Acting Director of Gender Studies.

She has a strong interest in community media. From 2005 until 2010 she was a board member of the Newcastle-based media collective, the Octapod. She continues to act as an assessor for grants for the Community Broadcasting Foundation.

She is a joint editor of the international journal of social spaces, Space and Culture.

Dr Lloyd currently teaches in the following units:

  • SOCI3050 Activism and Social Change
  • SOCI3015 The Urban Century: Movement, Cities and Space
  • SOCI8990 Master of Research - Sociology
  • ARTS3000 PACE: Social, Cultural and Ethical Action