12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Kathryn Mills with the persons below:
Joel Fuller
- Department of Health Sciences - Senior Lecturer
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Joseph Descallar
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Tim Doyle
- Department of Health Sciences - Associate Professor
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Catherine Dean
- Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences - Deputy Dean Education and Employability
- Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Simon French
- Department of Chiropractic - Professor of Musculoskeletal Disorders
Person: Teaching and research
Dane Turner
- Macquarie Medical School - Honorary Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Workforce Futures
Person: Honorary academic
Kate Scrivener
- Department of Health Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy
Person: Teaching and research