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NSW DoCJ: An examination of Australian Violent Extremism in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Ballsun-Stanton, B., Waldek, L. & Droogan, J.
28/04/21 → 31/10/21
Project: Research
USIP: Racially and ethically motivated violent extremist (REMVE) Online Research – Australian Ecosystems
Droogan, J., Waldek, L., Ballsun-Stanton, B. & Hutchinson, J.
1/03/21 → 20/12/21
Project: Research
Mapping networks and narratives of far-right social movements in New South Wales
Droogan, J., Waldek, L., Ballsun-Stanton, B., Peucker, M., Smith, D. & Iqbal, M.
24/06/19 → 13/12/19
Project: Other
Vulnerable Youth and Potential Conflicts with the Law
Waldek, L., Droogan, J. & Ochoa Hernandez, R.
1/06/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Other
Countering violent extremism professional development program for Bangladeshi Police Staff College
1/03/17 → 30/09/17
Project: Consultancy
Online violent extremist audiences in Australia and the United Kingdom
Lumby, C., Droogan, J., Waldek, L., Conway, M., Weimann, G. & Aly, A.
1/11/16 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
An Anthropological Investigation into the drivers of conflict in the urban areas of the Solomon Islands
22/08/12 → 29/08/12
Project: Research