Personal profile


BSc (Computer Science), University of Sydney
PhD (Geology), University of Sydney

Professor Nathan Daczko is a metamorphic petrologist who combines field and laboratory studies to examine metamorphic processes. He addresses multiple scales, from microstructure to the evolution of large orogens. Inverting this information provides constraints on the geodynamic and metasomatic processes involved in the history of metamorphic rocks, and advances understanding of crustal evolution and geodynamics.


Awards and positions

Member of the Geological Society of Australia (1997-current), Geological Society of America and American Geophysical Union (2002-current).

Member of the Australasian University Geoscience Educators Network (AUGEN)

2022 – VC’s Learning and Teaching Awards, Educational Leader Award

2021 – Faculty of Science and Engineering Awards, Excellence in Learning Innovation and Inter0Departmental Collaboration awards

2020 – VC’s Learning and Teaching Awards, Highly Commended Finalist

2020 – Faculty of Science and Engineering Awards, Teaching Excellence, Highly Commended

2020 – Stillwell Award (The Geological Society of Australia, for best paper in AJES 2019)

2018 – Earth and Planetary Sciences HDR Supervision Award

2018 – Earth and Planetary Sciences Academic Service Award

2011-current – Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University

2011 – Faculty of Science Learning and Teaching Award (for development of curricula an resources that reflect a command of the field)

2010-2012 – Committee member, Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG)

2010 – E.S. Hills Medal (The Geological Society of Australia, for outstanding contributions to any branch of the geological sciences)

2007-2010 – Chair, Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology (SGTSG)

2006-2011 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University

2006 – Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning

2006 – Australian Institute of Political Science NSW/ACT Young Tall Poppy Award

2006 – Macquarie University Innovation Awards (Highly commended)

2003-2005 – Lecturer, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University

2003 – Powell Medal (The Geological Society of Australia, Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, for the most outstanding research paper)

2001-2003 – Palisades Geophysical Institute Fellow at the Institute for Geophysics and William Stamps Farish Fellow at the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
Postdoctoral research: examining the structural evolution of the Australian-Pacific plate boundary near Macquarie Island.

1998-2001 - PhD: The University of Sydney, examining the Cretaceous high-P granulites of Fiordland, New Zealand.


Research interests

Current research is focused on the microstructural and microchemical changes that occur during melt-rock interaction. This research crosses discipline boundaries to explore igneous/structural mechanisms of melt migration and metamorphic processes of melt-rock reaction that might track the pathways. This topic is also explored using high-P and high-T experiments of melt-rock interaction. The field aspects of the research explore the exposed lower crustal plumbing systems of ancient magmatic arcs, such as Fiordland, New Zealand, to better understand how mass transfer occurs through the deep crust and what signature this leaves in the rock record. Related research examines melt migration and melt-rock interaction in the exposed roots of other tectonic settings, such as (i) an intracontinental orogen, exposed in Central Australia, (ii) an extensional period of the New England Orogen, (iii) poorly-defined orogenic systems now exposed by recent uplift in the Italian Alps (Ivrea-Verbano Zone), and in oceanic core complexes (e.g., Atlantis Bank, SWIR).


Research Grants

2003Macquarie University Early Career Researcher Grant: “Melt escape and trace element partitioning during high-pressure partial melting in the lower crust, northern Fiordland, New Zealand” Daczko.$19,000
2004Macquarie University Collaborative Research Grant: “Testing Ordovician-Devonian tectonic models for the Lachlan Orogen” Griffin, Daczko, Pearson, O’Reilly.$25,000
2005–06ARC Discovery Project DP0556359: “A new approach to understanding the mechanism and deep crustal controls of continental rifting” Daczko.$87,464
 2006 Macquarie University Research Development Grant: “Testing Permian tectonic models for the Wongwibinda Complex, New England Fold Belt, NSW – a rare glimpse into deeper New England crust” Daczko. $20,000
 2006 Macquarie University / DEEWR: "Installation of Argon and Helium gas pipelines for high-technology instruments in the Geochemical Analsyis Unit" Turner, Alard, Belousova, Daczko, Griffin, Jackson, O'Reilly, Pearson, Wood. $31,911
 2005–07 Australian Antarctic Division 2515: “The environmental and tectonic implications of volcaniclastic deposits on Macquarie Island” (logistic costs ONLY) Daczko, Mosher. $219,000
2007Macquarie University OSP: "Outside Studies Program" Daczko.$5,324
2006–08ARC Discovery Project DP0663373: “Spreading ridge sedimentation processes: a novel approach using Macquarie Island as a natural laboratory”. Daczko, Dickinson.$202,842
2007–08Macquarie University: "GEMOC – Geochemical Analyst" O'Reilly, Alard, Daczko, Griffin, Jackson, Perason, Turner, Wood.$71,368
2009Macquarie University (Research Development Grant): “Resurrecting Rodinia? The role of east Antarctica in supercontinent assembly” Daczko.$35,128
2009Macquarie University Safety Net Grants Scheme 9200800905: “Did obesity kill the arc? A model from the Fiordland Arc, New Zealand” Daczko.$17,000
2010Australian Research Council LE100100095: “Frontiers in integrated laser-sampled trace-element and isotopic geoanalysis” Griffin, O’Reilly, Pearson, Turner, Schaefer, Belousova, Daczko, Rushmer, Baker, Clarke, Honda, Carr.$420,000
2010Macquarie University: "Laser ablation microprobe sample cells" O'Reilly, Griffin, Pearson, Turner, Schaefer, Belousova, Rushmer, Daczko.$80,000
2010Macquarie University Safety Net Grants Scheme 9200901648: “Did obesity kill the arc? A model from the Fiordland Arc, New Zealand” Daczko.$20,000
2011Australian Research Council LE110100047: “Events through time: eruptions, extinctions, impacts, ore-bodies and orogenies - upgrading the national argon geochronology network” Lister, Jourdan, Forster, McInnes, Vasconcelos, Rosenbaum, Cooke, Harris, Giles, Collins, Aitchison, Daczko, Collins, Reddy, Li, McCuaig, Miller, Pillans, Grun.$700,000
2011Macquarie University: "Nature of the Lower Continental Crust" Daczko.$16,518
2011Macquarie University: "Laser ablation microprobe sample cell" O'Reilly, Griffin, Pearson, Turner, Schaefer, Belousova, Daczko, Rushmer.$45,000
2012–14ARC Discovery Project DP120102060: “Investigating the fundamental link between deformation, fluids and the rates of reactions in minerals”, Piazolo, Daczko, Putnis, Jessel.$230,000
2013Australian Research Council LE130100099: “New horizons in geochemical isotopic analysis with a new-generation multicollector plasma mass spectrometer: towards unravelling the deep earth system”. Griffin, Pearson, O’Reilly, Belousova, Collins, Aitchison, Clarke, Fiorentini, Li, Daczko.$390,000
2013Macquarie University: "Front-line microscope imaging for Geoscientists" Pearson, Griffin, O'Reilly, Turner, Rushmer, Schaefer, Daczko, Belousova, Handley.$91,522
2014Australian Synchrotron Research Program project M7427: “Identifying melt migration pathways using subtle but significant and systematic changes in major and trace elements along grain boundaries”. Piazolo, Daczko.$90,000
2015–16Australian Antarctic Division project AAS4355: “Reconstructing East Antarctica in Gondwana: ground-truthing a new tectonic model”. Halpin, Whittaker, Daczko, Fitzsimons.$35,000
2015University of Tasmania Research Enhancement Scheme (REGS): “Reconstructing the submarine and subglacial East Gondwanan mountain chain”. Halpin, Whittaker, Daczko, Fitzsimons.$25,000
2015University of New England Research Seed Grants: “Geochemical affinity of dredged rocks from the Perth Abyssal Plain”. Milan, Daczko, Halpin, Whittaker.$20,000
2015Macquarie University: "CL Monochromator for Scanning Electron Microscopy". O'Reilly, Griffin, Pearson, Belousova, Jacob, Piazolo, Clark, Daczko, Foley, George, Rushmer, Turner, Dadd, Schaefer, Handley, Downes, Lang, Brock.$31,512
2016Macquarie University: "Probe for EMPA software". Pearson, Belousova, Piazolo, O'Reilly, Daczko, Jacob.$61,405
2016ANSTO – Australian Synchrotron Beamline Program: “Tracing melt transfer zones in the lower crust: A microchemical perspective”. Daczko, Piazolo.$90,000
2015–18Macquarie University: "MQ Marine Reserach Centre". George, Armand, Armbrecht, Bishop, Brock, Daczko, Dadd, Goodwin, Grech, Hesse, Irvine, Jacob, Kennedy, Kosnik, Loehr, Madin, <adin, Ostrowski, Paulsen, Saintilan, Tetu, Williamson, Wood, O'Brien.$179,737
2016–17ANZIC grant ANZIC Special funding for Australians for analytical work on ocean drilling material leading to publication): “East Tasman Plateau – key to unravelling the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current”. Daczko, Whittaker, Carey, Scher, Halpin.$20,000
2016–18ARC Discovery Project DP160103449: “Just add water: a recipe for the deformation of continental interiors”, Putnis, Raimondo, Daczko.$319,500
2018UniSA New Adventures Fund: "The Deep Earth Melt Network: a new experimental approach to understanding magma transport and reactive ascent". Raimondo, Payne, Daczko, Adam.$19,791
2019–20Marine National Facility R/V Investigator research voyage 2019-2020: “Development of William’s Ridge, Kerguelen Plateau: tectonics, hotspot magmatism, microcontinents, and Australia’s Extended Continental Shelf”. Coffin, Whittaker, Borissova, Daczko, Halpin, Hoernle, Picard, Storey.$4,720,000
2019ANZIC grant ANZIC Special funding for Australians for analytical work on ocean drilling material leading to publication): “Melt-present deformation within the dynamic oceanic crust: recognition and rheological consequences”. Daczko, Gardner, Piazolo.$9,880
2019Macquarie University Outside Studies program: “A step-change in volcanic arc petrogenesis”. Daczko.$9,126
2019University of Tasmania Visiting Scholars program. Daczko, Halpin, Whittaker, Carey, Coffin.$6,271
2019ANSTO – Australian Synchrotron Beamline Program: “Using geochemical and microstructural XFM mapping to identify proximal, medial and distal vectors around magma transfer zones”. Daczko, Munnikhuis.$98,352
2019Australian Antarctic Division project AAS4519: “Formation of William’s Ridge, Kerguelen Plateau: tectonics, and Australia’s Extended Continental Shelf”. Whittaker, Brune, Coffin, Daczko, Halpin, Uenzelmann-Neben.$87,419
2019ANZIC IODP Legacy Analytical Funding (AILAF): “Constraining the palaeodepth evolution of the South Tasman Rise and determining its role in development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)”. Loehr, Whittaker, Daczko, Hall.$19,292
2019Macquarie University Corporate Engagement & Advancement / Faculty of Science and Engineering – Industry Engagement Support: "Exploring collaboration with Rio Tinto". Daczko, Belousova.$1,200
2020-22ARC Discovery Project DP200100482: "Plumbing the gap: a mantle solution to the enigma of bimodal arc volcanism". Daczko, Foley, Handley, Raimondo.
2020ANZIC IODP Legacy Analytical Funding (AILAF): “Significance of syn-deformational melt migration for oxide enrichment in oceanic crust”. Daczko, Gardner.$9,926
2021ANZIC IODP Legacy Analytical Funding (AILAF): "Mafic melt flux through oceanic rocks". Daczko, Gardner.$11,999
2021ARC Discovery Project DP220100136: "Experimental and empirical insight into melting of the early Earth's mantle". Kamber, Yaxley, Daczko, Hayman, Piazolo.$413,000
Australian Research Council LE230100044: “Australian Membership of the International Ocean Discovery Program 2023-24”. Rohling, Bostock, Daczko, Gaina, Grice, Jons, Pronovost, McGregor, O'Leary, Suthers, Tyler, Webster, Whittaker, Robinson.
CSIRO Industry PhD Program C041098: "Unravelling the complex microstructure and geochemistry associations of Cu-Zn-Pb ore deposits" Daczko, Hu, Dyriw
CSIRO Industry PhD Program C041165: "Shale geochemistry as a proxy for shear strength" Daczko, Qu, Eggers


Publications in refereed journals/books (* paper first authored by research student)

Daczko, N.R., Chapman, T., Förster, M.W., Handley, H. and Foley, S., 2021. A mantle-source solution to the enigma of bimodal arc volcanism. Submitted and rejected from Nature Communications (published on RedSquare).

*Munnikhuis, J.K., Daczko, N.R. and Langone, A., 2022.Zircon geochemistry, geochronology, and Hf-isotope compositions from melt-migration pathways constrain the Triassic-Jurassic geotectonic context of the Finero Mafic Complex, Ivrea-Verbano Zome. Journal not selected yet (to be submitted 2022).

*Munnikhuis, J.K., Daczko, N.R. and Langone, A., 2022. Deciphering magmatic versus metamorphic U-Pb zircon ages from modified cyrstals of the External Gabbro of the Finero Mafic Complex, Ivrea-Verbano Zone. Journal not selected yet (to be submitted 2022).

*Ghatak, H., Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S., Milan, L.A. and Raimondo, T., 2022. Dissolution channels result in pseudo-inclusions in garnet. Journal of Metamorphic Geology (submitted 2022).

*Ghatak, H., Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S. and Raimondo, T., 2022. Rheological evolution of a melt-present high strain zone: widening by reactivation. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (revisions submitted February 2021).

Löhr, S.C., Whittaker, J., Mundana, R., Carey, R., Mabee, A. and Daczko, N.R., 2022. Reappraisal of Tasman Gateway Depth Evolution Identifies Initiation of Eastwards Throughflow at ~40 Ma. Science Advances (submitted December 2021).

*Ghatak, H., Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S. and Raimondo, T., 2022. Distinguishing syn-deformational fluid-rock vs. melt-rock interaction: field relationships, petrology, microstructure and geochemistry. Journal of Metamorphic Geology (revisions submitted February 2022).

97. *Asimus, J.L., Daczko, N.R. and Ezad, I., 2023. Melt-present deformation at the Entia Dome, Central Australia: A metamorphic core complex formed during lower crustal extrusion. Lithos, 448–449, 107170. https:/

96. *Munnikhuis, J.K., Daczko, N.R. and Langone, A., 2023. Open system reaction between melt and gabbroic rock in the Finero Mafic Complex. Lithos, 440–441, 107027.

95. *Silva, D., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2022. Trapped K-feldspar phenocrysts as a signature of melt migration pathways withing active high-strain zones. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 41(3), 351–375.

94. *Varga, J., Raimondo, T., Hand, M., Curtis, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2022. Hydration, melt production and rheological weakening within an intracontinental gneiss dome. Lithos, 432–433, 106872.

93. Daczko, N.R. and Piazolo, S., 2022. Recognition of melferite –A rock formed in syn-deformational high-strain melt-transfer zones through sub-solidus rocks: A reiew and synthesis of microstructural criteria. Lithos, 106850.

92. Portner, R., Dreyer, B.M., Clague, D.A., Daczko, N.R. and Castillo, P.R., 2022. Oceanic zircon records rhyolite formation on the Alarcon Rise mid-ocean ridge. Journal of Petrology, 63, 1–25.

91. *Ghatak, H., Gardner, R., Daczko, N.R. and Piazolo, S., 2022. Oxide enrichment by syntectonic melt-rock interaction. Lithos, 414–415, 106617.

90. Wang, Wei-(RZ), Zhao, Y., Wei, C., Daczko, N.R., Liu, X., Xiao, W. and Zhang, Z., 2022. High-Ultrahigh Temperature Metamorphism in the Larsemann Hills: Insights into the tectono-thermal evolution of the Prydz Bay region, East Antarctica. Jounral of Petrology. 63(2), 1–30. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egac002

89. Spier, C.A., Filho, C.F.F. and Daczko, N.R., 2021. Zircon U-Pb isotopic and geochemical results of metanorites from the chromite-mineralised Bacuri Mafic-Ultramafic Complex: Insights of a Paleoarchean crust in the Amapá Block, Guyana Shield, Brazil. Gondwana Research, 105, 262–289. doi: 10.1016/

88. *Silva, D., Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S. and Raimondo, T., 2021. Glimmerite: a product of melt-rock interaction within a crustal-scale high strain zone. Gondwana Research, 105, 160–184. doi: 10.1016/

87. *Förster, M.W., Bussweiler, Y., Prelević, D., Daczko, N.R., Buhre, S., Mertz-Kraus, R. and Foley, S.F., 2021. Sediment-peridotite reaction controls fore-arc metasomatism and arc magma geochemical signatures. Geosciences, 11, 372, 1–23. doi: 10.3390/geosciences11090372

86. Foley, S.F., Andronikov, A.V., Halpin, J.A., Daczko, N.R. and Jacob, D.E., 2021. Mantle rocks in East Antarctica, in The Antarctic Mantle (eds. Martin, A. & van der Wal, W.), Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 56. doi: 10.1144/M56-2020-8

85. *Maritati, A., Halpin, J.A., Whittaker, J.M., Daczko, N.R. and Wainman, C.C., 2021. Provenance of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous strata in the Mentelle Basin, southwestern Australia, reveals a trans-Gondwanan fluvial pathway. Gondwana Research, 93, 128–141. doi: 10.1016/

84. Etheridge, M., Daczko, N.R., Chapman, T. and Stuart, C.A., 2021. Mechanisms of Melt Extraction during Lower Crustal Partial Melting. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39, 57–75.

83. Gardner, R., Piazolo, S., Daczko, N.R. and Trimby, P., 2020. Microstructures reveal multistage melt present strain localisation in mid-ocean gabbros. Lithos, 366–367, 105572, 1–18. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105572

82. *Varga, J., Raimondo, T., Daczko, N.R. and Adam, J., 2020. Experimental alteration of monazite in granitic melt: variable U-Th-Pb and REE mobility during melt-mediated coupled dissolution-precipitation. Chemical Geology, 544, 119602, 1–16. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119602

81. *Jessop, K., Daczko, N.R. and Piazolo, S., 2020. Two belts of HTLP sub-regional metamorphism in the New England Orogen, eastern Australia: occurrence and characteristics exemplified by the Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 67, 479–507. doi: 10.1080/08120099.2019.1698275

80. *Jessop, K., Daczko, N.R. and Piazolo, S., 2020. Metamorphism in the New England Orogen, Eastern Australia: a Review. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 67, 453–478. doi: 10.1080/08120099.2020.1685000

79. Piazolo, S., Daczko, N.R., Silva, D. and Raimondo, T., 2020. Melt-present shear zones enable intracontinental orogenesis. Geology, 48, 643–648. doi: 10.1130/G47126.1

78. Halpin, J.A., Daczko, N.R., Direen, N.G., Mulder, J.A. and Murphy, R.C., 2020. Provenance of rifted continental crust at the nexus of East Gondwana breakup. Lithos, 354–355, 105363. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105363

77. Chapman, T., Clarke, G.L. and Daczko, N.R., 2019. The role of buoyancy in the fate of ultra-high-pressure eclogite. Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 19925, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-56475-y, 1–12. []

76. Gardner, R., Piazolo, S., Daczko, N.R. and Evans, L., 2019. Ductile deformation without localization: Insights from numerical modelling. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 20, 1–17. doi: 10.1029/2019GC008633

75. *Maritati, A., Halpin, J.A., Whittaker, J.M. and Daczko, N.R., 2019. Fingerprinting Proterozoic Bedrock in Interior Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 10192, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-46612-y, 1–12. []

74. Mulder, J.A., Halpin, J.A., Daczko, N.R., Orth, K., Meffre, S., Thompson, J. and Morrissey, L., 2019. A multi-proxy provenance approach to uncovering the assembly of East Gondwana in Antarctica. Geology, 47, 645–649. doi: 10.1130/G45952.1

73. *Meek, U.L., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2019. The field and microstructural signatures of deformation-assisted melt transfer: Insights from magmatic arc lower crust of New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37, 795–821. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12488

72. *Wang, Wei-(RZ), Clarke, G.L., Daczko, N.R. and Zhao, Y., 2019. Modelling the partial melting of metasediments in a low-pressure regional contact aureole: The effect of water and whole-rock composition. Geological Magazine, 156, 1400–1424. doi: 10.1017/S001675681800078X

71. *Jessop, K., Daczko, N.R. and Piazolo, S., 2019. Tectonic cycles of the New England Orogenic Province, eastern Australia: A review. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 66, 459–496. doi: 10.1080/08120099.2018.1548378

70. *Chapman, T., Clarke, G.L., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2019. Inefficient high-temperature metamorphism in orthogneiss. American Mineralogist, 104, 17–30. doi: 10.2138/am-2019-6503

69. *Silva, D., Piazolo, S., Daczko, N.R., Houseman, G., Raimondo, T. and Evans, L., 2018. Intracontinental orogeny enhanced by far-field extension and local weak crust. Tectonics, 37, 4421–4443. doi: 10.1029/2018TC005106

68. *Stuart, C.A., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2018. The recognition of former melt flux through high-strain zones. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 36, 1049–1069. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12427

67. Daczko, N.R., Halpin, J.A., Fitzsimons, I.C.W. and Whittaker, J.M., 2018. A cryptic Gondwana-forming orogen located in Antarctica. Scientific Reports, 8, Article number: 8371, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26530-1, 1–9. []

66. *Stuart, C.A., Meek, U., Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S. and Huang, J.-X., 2018. Chemical signatures of melt-rock interaction in the root of a magmatic arc. Journal of Petrology, 59, 321–340. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egy029

65. *Craven, S.J. and Daczko, N.R., 2018. High-temperature–low-pressure metamorphism and the production of S-type granites of the Hillgrove Supersuite, southern New England Orogen, NSW, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 65, 191–207. doi: 10.1080/08120099.2018.1425908

64. Langone, A., Zanetti, A., Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S., Tiepolo, M. and Mazzucchelli, M., 2018. Zircon U-Pb dating of a lower crustal shear zone: A case study from the northern sector of the Ivrea- Verbano Zone (Val Cannobina, Italy). Tectonics, 37, 322–342. doi: 10.1002/ 2017TC004638

63. *Gardner, R.L., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2017. Determining relative bulk viscosity of kilometre-scale crustal units using field observations and numerical modelling. Tectonophysics, 721, 275–291. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.10.008

62. *Chapman, T., Clarke, G.L., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2017. Evaluating the importance of metamorphism in the founering of continental crust. Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 13039, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-13221-6, 1–12. []

61. Halpin, J.A., Daczko, N.R., Kobler, M.E. and Whittaker, J.M., 2017. Strike-slip tectonics during the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian assembly of East Gondwana: Evidence from a newly discovered microcontinent in the Indian Ocean (Batavia Knoll). Gondwana Research, 51, 137–148. doi: 10.1016/

60. *Milan, L.A. Daczko, N.R. and Clarke, G.L., 2017. Cordillera Zealandia: A Mesozoic arc flare-up on the palaeo-Pacific Gondwana margin. Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 261, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00347-w, 1–9. []

59. *Craven, S.J. and Daczko, N.R., 2017. The Keepit arc: provenance of sedimentary rocks in the central Tablelands Complex, southern New England Orogen, Australia, as recorded by detrital zircon. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64, 401–418. doi: 10.1080/08120099.2017.1297329

58. *Spruzeniece, L., Piazolo, S., Daczko, N.R., Kilburn, M. and Putnis, A., 2017. Symplectite formation in the presence of a reactive fluid: Insights from hydrothermal experiments. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35, 281-299. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12231

57. *Gardner, R., Piazolo, S., Evans, L. and Daczko, N.R., 2017. Patterns of strain localization in heterogeneous, polycrystalline rocks - a numerical perspective. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 463, 253–265. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.039

56. *Stuart, C.A., Daczko, N.R. and Piazolo, S., 2017. Local partial melting of the lower crust triggered by hydration through melt–rock interaction: an example from Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35, 213–230. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12229

55. Whittaker, J.M., Williams, S.E., Halpin, J.A., Wild, T.J., Stilwell, J.D., Jourdan, F. and Daczko, N.R., 2016. Eastern Indian Ocean microcontinent formation driven by plate motion changes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454, 203-212.

54. *Stuart, C.A., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2016. Mass transfer in the lower crust: evidence for incipient melt assisted flow along grain boundaries in the deep arc granulites of Fiordland, New Zealand. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 17, 1–21. doi: 10.1002/2015GC006236

53. *Milan, L.A. Daczko, N.R., Clarke, G.L. and Allibone, A.H., 2016. Complexity of In-situ zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope systematics during arc magma genesis at the roots of a Cretaceous arc, Fiordland, New Zealand. Lithos, 264, 296–314.

52. Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S., Meek, U., Stuart, C.A. and Elliott, V., 2016. Hornblendite delineates zones of mass transfer through the lower crust. Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 31369, doi: 10.1038/srep31369, 1–6. []

51. *Watson, S.J., Whittaker, J.M., Halpin, J.A., Williams, S.E., Milan, L.A., Daczko, N.R. and Wyman, D.A., 2016. Tectonic drivers and the influence of the Kerguelen plume on seafloor spreading during formation of the early Indian Ocean. Gondwana Research, 35, 97–114.

50. *Chapman, T., Clarke, G.L. and Daczko, N.R., 2016. Crustal differentiation in a thickened arc — evaluating depth dependencies. Journal of Petrology, 57, 595–620.

49. *Gardner, R., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2016. Shape of pinch and swell structures as a viscosity indicator: Application to lower crustal polyphase rocks. Journal of Structural Geology, 88, 32–45.

48. *Mulder, J.A., Halpin, J.A. and Daczko, N.R., 2016. Mesoproterozoic Tasmania: Witness to the East Antarctica–Laurentia connection within Nuna: Reply. Geology, 44, e383, doi: 10.1130/G37740Y.1

47. *Gardner, R., Piazolo, S. and Daczko, N.R., 2015. Pinch and swell structures: Evidence for strain localization by brittle-viscous behaviour in the middle crust. Solid Earth, 6, 1045–1061.

46. *Mulder, J.A., Halpin, J.A. and Daczko, N.R., 2015. Mesoproterozoic Tasmania: Witness to the East Antarctica–Laurentia connection within Nuna. Geology, 43, 759–762.

45. *Smith, J.R., Piazolo, S., Daczko, N.R. and Evans, L., 2015. The effect of pretectonic reaction and annealing extent on behaviour during subsequent deformation: Insights from paired shear zones in the lower crust of Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33, 557–670.

44. *Chapman, T., Clarke, G.L., Daczko, N.R., Piazolo, S. and Rajkuar, A., 2015. Orthopyroxene-omphacite- and garnet-omphacite-bearing magmatic assemblages, Breaksea Orthogneiss, New Zealand: oxidation state controlled by high-P oxide fractionation. Lithos, 216-217, 1–16.

43. *Gardner, R., Daczko, N.R., Halpin, J.A. and Whittaker, J.M., 2015. Discovery of a microcontinent (Gulden Draak Knoll) offshore Western Australia: implications for East Gondwana reconstructions. Gondwana Research, 28, 1019–1031.

42. *Foley, F.V., Turner, S., Rushmer, T., Caulfield, J.T., Daczko, N.R., Bierman, P., Robertson, M., Barrie, C.D. and Boyce, A.J., 2014. 10Be, 18O and radiogenic isotopic constraints on the origin of adakitic signatures: a case study from Solander and Little Solander Islands, New Zealand. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168:1048, doi: 10.1007/s00410-014-1048-9

41. *Wang, Wei-(RZ), Dunkley, E., Clarke, G.L. and Daczko, N.R., 2014. The evolution of zircon during low-P partial melting of metapelitic rocks: theoretical predictions and a case study from Mt Stafford, central Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32, 791–808.

40. *Tetley, M.G. and Daczko, N.R., 2014. Virtual Petrographic Microscope: A multi-platform education and research software tool to analyse rock thin sections. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 61, 631–637.

39. Whittaker J.M., Halpin J.A., Williams S.E., Hall L.S., Gardner R., Kobler M.E., Daczko N.R. and Müller R.D., 2013. Tectonic evolution and continental fragmentation of the southern West Australian margin, in Keep, M. and Moss, S.J. (eds) The Sedimentary Basins of Western Australia IV: Proceedings of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Symposium, Perth, Western Australia, 1–16.

38. Mortimer, N., Gans, P.B., Foley, F.V., Turner, M.B., Daczko, N.R., Robertson, M. and Turnbull, I.M., 2013. Geology and Age of Solander Volcano, Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Geology, 121, 475–487.

37. Clarke, G.L., Daczko, N.R. and Miescher, D., 2013. Identifying relic igneous garnet and clinopyroxene in eclogite and granulite, Breaksea Orthogneiss, New Zealand. Journal of Petrology, 54, 1921–1938.

36. *Craven, S.J., Daczko, N.R. and Halpin, J.A., 2013. High-T–low-P thermal anomalies superposed on biotite-grade rocks, Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex, southern New England Orogen, Australia: heat advection by aqueous fluid? Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60, 621–635.

35. Halpin, J.A., Daczko, N.R., Clarke, G.L. and Murray, K.R., 2013. Basin analysis in polymetamorphic terranes: an example from east Antarctica, Precambrian Research, 231, 78–97.

34. Daczko, N.R., Emami, S., Allibone, A.H. and Turnbull, I.M., 2012. Petrogenesis and geochemical characterisation of ultramafic cumulate rocks from Hawes Head, Fiordland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 55, 361–374.

33. *De Paoli, M.C., Clarke, G.L. and Daczko, N.R., 2012. Mineral equilibria modelling of the granulite—eclogite transition: effects of whole-rock composition on metamorphic facies type-assemblages. Journal of Petrology, 53, 949–970.

32. Halpin, J.A., Daczko, N.R., Milan, L.A. and Clarke, G.L., 2012. Decoding near-concordant U-Pb zircon ages spanning several hundred million years: recrystallisation, metamictisation, or diffusion? Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 163, 67–85.

31. *Craven, S.J., Daczko, N.R. and Halpin, J.A., 2012. Thermal gradient and timing of high-T—low-P metamorphism in the Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex, southern New England Orogen, Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30, 3–20.

30. *Portner, R.A., Daczko, N.R., Murphy, M.J. and Pearson, N.J. 2011. Enriching mantle melts within a dying mid-ocean spreading ridge: Insights from Hf-isotope and trace element patterns in detrital oceanic zircon. Lithos, 126, 355–368.

29. Daczko, N.R., Caffi, P. and Mann, P., 2011. Structural evolution of the Dayman Dome metamorphic core complex, eastern Papua New Guinea. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 123, 2335–2351.

28. *Portner, R.A., Dickinson, J.A. and Daczko, N.R., 2011. Interaction of gravity flows with a rugged mid-ocean ridge seafloor: an outcrop example from Macquarie Island. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 81, 355–375.

27. *Portner, R.A., Murphy, M.J. and Daczko, N.R., 2011. A detrital record of lower oceanic crust exhumation within a Miocene slow-spreading ridge: Macquarie Island, Southern Ocean. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 123, 255–273.

26. *Danis, C.R., Daczko, N.R., Lackie, M.A. and Craven, S.J., 2010. Retrograde metamorphism of the Wongwibinda Complex, New England Fold Belt and the implications of 2.5D subsurface geophysical structure for the metamorphic history. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57, 357–375.

25. *Portner, R.A., Daczko, N.R. and Dickinson, J.A., 2010. Vitriclastic lithofacies from Macquarie Island (Southern Ocean): compositional influence on abyssal eruption explosivity in a dying Miocene spreading ridge. Bulletin of Volcanology, 72, 165–183.

24. Clarke, G.L., Fitzherbert, J.A., Milan, L.A., Daczko, N.R. and Degeling, H.S., 2010. Anti-clockwise P-T paths in the lower crust: an example from a kyanite-bearing regional aureole, George Sound, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 28, 77–96.

23. Allibone, A.H., Jongens, R., Turnbull, I.M., Milan, L.A., Daczko, N.R., De Paoli, M.C. and Tulloch, A.J., 2009. Plutonic rocks of western Fiordland, New Zealand: field relations, geochemistry, correlation and nomenclature. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 52, 379–415.

22. Daczko, N.R., Harb, N., Portner, R.A. and Dickinson, J.A., 2009. Geochemical fingerprint of hyaloclasts in glassy fragmental rocks of Macquarie Island (Southern Ocean): implications for volcanogenic sedimentary processes at a waning mid-ocean ridge. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56, 951–963.

21. Daczko, N.R., Caffi, P., Halpin, J.A. and Mann, P., 2009. Exhumation of the Dayman Dome metamorphic core complex, eastern Papua New Guinea. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 405–422.

20. Allibone, A.H., Milan, L.A., Daczko, N.R. and Turnbull, I.M., 2009. Granulite facies thermal aureoles and metastable amphibolite facies assemblages adjacent to the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss in southwest Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 349–369.

19. Dickinson, J.A., Harb, N., Portner, R.A. and Daczko, N.R., 2009. Glassy fragmental rocks of Macquarie Island (Southern Ocean): mechanism of formation and deposition. Sedimentary Geology, 216, 91–103.

18. Daczko, N.R., Milan, L.A. and Halpin, J.A., 2009. Metastable persistence of pelitic metamorphic assemblages at the root of a Cretaceous magmatic arc – Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 233–247.

17. Daczko, N.R. and Halpin, J.A., 2009. Evidence for melt migration enhancing recrystallization of metastable assemblages in mafic lower crust, Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 167–185.

16. Clarke, G.L., Daczko, N.R., Klepeis, K.A. and Rushmer, T., 2005. Roles for fluid and/or melt advection in forming high-P mafic migmatites, Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 23, 557–567.

15. *Stevenson, J.A., Daczko, N.R., Clarke, G.L., Pearson, N. and Klepeis, K.A. 2005. Direct observation of adakite melts generated in the lower continental crust, Fiordland, New Zealand. Terra Nova, 17(1), 73, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2004.00586.x

14. Daczko, N.R., Mosher, S., Coffin, M.F. and Meckel, T.A., 2005. Tectonic implications of fault-scarp-derived volcaniclastic deposits on Macquarie Island: Sedimentation at a fossil ridge-transform intersection? Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117, 18–31.

13. Hollis, J.A., Clarke, G.L., Klepeis, K.A., Daczko, N.R. and Ireland, T.R., 2004. The regional significance of Cretaceous magmatism and metamorphism in Fiordland, New Zealand, from U Pb zircon geochronology. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 22, 607–627.

12. *Schröter, F.C., Stevenson, J.A., Daczko, N.R., Clarke, G.L., Pearson, N.J. and Klepeis, K.A., 2004. Trace element partitioning during high-P partial melting and melt-rock interaction; an example from northern Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 22, 443–457.

11. Daczko, N.R., Wertz, K.L., Mosher, S., Coffin, M.F. and Meckel, T.A., 2003. Extension along the Australian-Pacific transpressional transform plate boundary near Macquarie Island. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 4(9), 1080, doi: 10.1029/ 2003GC000523

10. *Wertz, K.L., Mosher, S., Daczko, N.R. and Coffin, M.F. 2003. Macquarie Island's Finch-Langdon fault: a ridge-transform inside corner structure. Geology, 31, 661–664.

9. Hollis, J.A., Clarke, G.L., Klepeis, K.A., Daczko, N.R. and Ireland, T.R. 2003. Geochronology and Geochemistry of high-pressure granulites of the Arthur River Complex, Fiordland, New Zealand: Cretaceous Magmatism and Metamorphism on the Palaeo-Pacific Margin. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 21, 299–313.

8. Daczko, N.R., Clarke, G.L. and Klepeis, K.A. 2002. Kyanite-paragonite-bearing assemblages, northern Fiordland, New Zealand: rapid cooling of the lower crustal root to a Cretaceous magmatic arc. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20, 887–902.

7. Daczko, N.R., Stevenson, J.A., Clarke, G.L. and Klepeis, K.A. 2002. Successive hydration and dehydration of a high-P mafic granofels involving clinopyroxene-kyanite symplectites, Mt Daniel, Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20, 669–682.

6. Daczko, N.R., Klepeis, K.A. and Clarke, G.L. 2002. Thermo-mechanical evolution of the crust during convergence and deep crustal pluton emplacement in the western province of Fiordland, New Zealand. Tectonics, 21(4), 1022, doi: 10.1029/ 2001TC001282

5. Clarke, G.L., Daczko, N.R. and Nockolds, C. 2001. A method for applying matrix corrections to X-ray intensity maps using the Bence-Albee algorithm and Matlab. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19, 635–644.

4. Daczko, N.R., Clarke, G.L. and Klepeis, K.A. 2001. Transformation of two-pyroxene hornblende granulite to garnet granulite involving simultaneous melting and fracturing of the lower crust, Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19, 547–560.

3. Daczko, N.R., Klepeis, K.A. and Clarke, G.L. 2001. Evidence of Early Cretaceous collisional-style orogenesis in northern Fiordland, New Zealand and its effects on the evolution of the lower crust. Journal of Structural Geology, 23, 693–713.

2. Clarke, G.L., Klepeis, K.A. and Daczko, N.R. 2000. Cretaceous granulites at Milford Sound, New Zealand; their metamorphic history and emplacement in a convergent margin setting. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 18, 359–374.

1. Klepeis, K.A., Daczko, N.R. and Clarke, G.L. 1999. Kinematic vorticity and tectonic significance of superposed mylonites in a major lower crustal shear zone, northern Fiordland, New Zealand. Journal of Structural Geology, 21, 1385–1405.


Supervised theses (*principal supervisor)

Doctor of Philosophy

*Michelle Moxey (due 2025). Petrogenesis of the Dugald River Mine, Queensland, Australia.

*John Gazi (due 2023). High-T igneous and metamorphic processes, Norway.

16. *Hindol Ghatak, 2021. Deformation-assisted melt migration and melt-rock interaction during the intracontinental Alice Springs Orogeny, central Austalia. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 218 p.

15. Alessandro Maritati, 2020. Antarctic Heatflux from Regional and Global Geophysical Constraints in a Plate Reconstruction Framework. [PhD thesis]: Hobart, Australia: University of Tasmania, 152 p.

14. *Jonathan Munnikhuis, 2020. The metasomatic history of the Finero Mafic Complex, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy: melt migration, melt-rock interaction, and effects on geochronology. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 168 p.

13. *David da Silva, 2019. The microchemical and microstructural evolution of fluid and melt transfer in deep crustal shear zones, Central Australia. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 168 p.

12. Michael Forster, 2019. Subduction zone metasomatism and its consequences for potassium-rich magmatism and deep nitrogen cycling. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 204 p.

11. *Kim Jessop, 2018. The role of aqueous fluids in the formation of regional-style high-temperature–low-pressure (HTLP) metamorphic complexes. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 263 p.

10. Sally Watkins, 2018 (with Whittaker). Bathymetric and Tectonic Consequences of Plume Interaction with the Ocean Floor. [PhD thesis]: Hobart, Australia: University of Tasmania, 180 p.

9. Catherine Stuart, 2017. Melt migration in the lower crust by porous melt flow. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 116 p.

8. Robyn Gardner, 2017. Flow behaviour of the middle and lower crust: Insights from field observations and numerical modelling. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 177 p.

7. Timothy Chapman, 2017. Deciphering Igneous and Metamorphic Histories from Exposed Deep Arc Crust, Fiordland, New Zealand: Crustal Differentiation and Evolution. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney, 249 p.

6. Liene Spruzeniece, 2016. Fundamental Link between Deformation, Fluids and the Rates of Reactions in Minerals. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, XX p.

5. *Stephen Craven, 2015. The evolution of the Wongwibinda high-T–low-P metamorphic complex, New England Orogen, NSW, Australia. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 197 p.

4. Wei Wang, 2012. Case studies on the high-grade metamorphic evolution of metasedimentary rocks. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney, 138 p.

3. *Luke Milan, 2010. Cordillera Zealandia, Fiordland, New Zealand: A Mesozoic arc flare-up on the palaeo-Pacific Gondwana margin. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 173 p.

2. Matthew De Paoli, 2010. Cretaceous high-P granulite and high-T eclogite metamorphism at Breaksea Sound, SW New Zealand. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney, 235 p.

1. *Ryan Portner, 2009. Sedimentary and volcaniclastic record of a mid-ocean spreading ridge: Macquarie Island, Southern Ocean. [PhD thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 327 p.


Bachelor of Science (Honours); Master of Geoscience; Master of Research

37. Swarbhanu Dey, 2022. Reactions of sub-arc mantle melt with mantle wedge and lower crust. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 60 p.

36. Casey Kavanagh, 2022. Shale geochemistry as a proxy for shear strength. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 61 p.

35. Aditi Chatterjee, 2022. Hydrous shear zones in the lower arc crust are sites of melt transfer. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 67 p.

34. *Jeremy Asimus, 2022. Syn-tectonic melt-rock interaction and complex geochronology, Entia Dome: nature and experiments. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 76 p.

33.*Hannah Kumar, 2020. Analysing landslide hazards and risks remotely. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 72 p.

32. *Joyjit Dey, 2018. The recognition of quartz grown from a melt during static and dynamic conditions. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 64 p.

31. *Ben Alsop, 2018. Microstructural evidence of melt-present deformation and its effect on zircon modification. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 54 p.

30. *Angela Mabee, 2018. Plume volcanism controls Site 1172 sediment provenance and deposition pre-Antarctic Circumpolar Current. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 41 p.

29. *Michael Farmer, 2017. Migmatite delineates zones of melt flux through the upper crust, Wongwibinda, NSW. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 52 p.

28. *Hindol Ghatak, 2017. Distinguishing hydration in shear zones by aqueous fluid versus silicate melt. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 60 p.

27. Christopher Cocoran, 2016. The relationship between crystal-plastic deformation and chemical variations in peridotites. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 60 p.

26. Harrison Jones, 2016. Geophysical signatures of small-scale base metal occurrences in southeastern NSW. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 60 p.

25. *Victoria Elliott, 2015. Zircon growth and modification during deep melt flux through a magmatic arc. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 46 p.

24. *Uvana Meek, 2016. An Investigation of the origin of ultrabasic granofels, Fiordland, New Zealand. [M.Research thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 51 p.

23. *Mark Eastlake, 2013. A petrographic and geochronological assessment of the Aileron Metamorphics, Mount Boothby Area, Central Australia. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 116 p.

22. *Vicki Beecher, 2013. Flow characteristics of lower crustal rocks: comparing two polyphase rock types. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 44 p.

21. *Kristina Gordon, 2013. Investigation of tourmaline, apatite and monazite from a low-pressure high-temperature regional aureole, Mt Stafford, Northern Territory, Australia. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 54 p.

20. Timothy Chapman, 2012. Petrogenesis of Omphacite-Orthopyroxene Granulite, Breaksea Orthogneiss, Fiordland, New Zealand. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney, 97 p.

19. *James Smith, 2012. The interaction between melt, deformation and recrystallisation within northern Fiordland, New Zealand. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 105 p.

18. *Catherine Stuart, 2012. Aqueous fluid advection: A plausible mechanism for heating the shallow crust to form HTLP metamorphic belts. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 117 p.

17. *Madeline Kobler, 2012. Petrographic, geochemical and geochronological characterisation of Batavia Knoll Dredge samples, Perth Abyssal Plain: implications for linkage with Gondwana. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 110 p.

16. *Robyn Gardner, 2012. Characterising rocks dredged from the Gulden Draak microcontinent. [M.Geoscience thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 84 p.

15. *Katherine Farrow, 2012. Petrographic and geochronological investigation of S-type granites from a low-pressure–high-temperature regional aureole: Mt Stafford, Central Australia. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 140 p.

14. *Kathleen Murray, 2011. Comparison of detrital and metamorphic zircon from metapelites in the Rayner Complex, east Antarctica: provenance and age of deposition investigated via U-Pb and Hf-analysis and interpretation of Th/U ratio, CL zonation and morphology. [M.Geoscience thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 67 p.

13. *Nicholas Tefay, 2011. Petrographic characterisation and zircon geochronology of the Cobungra Granite and low-P–high-T Omeo metamorphic complex, Lachlan Fold Belt. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 103 p.

12. *Daniel Miescher, 2010. Petrographic and geochemical characterisation of a layered garnetite-pyroxenite xenolith and of garnet in the Breaksea Orthogneiss, Fiordland New Zealand. [M.Geoscience thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 71 p.

11. *Matthew Robertson, 2010. Petrographic and Hf-isotope characterisation of Solander Island (Hautere), Australia-Pacific plate boundary. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 168 p.

10. *Eileen Dunkley, 2010. Evolution of the Median Batholith, Fiordland, New Zealand. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 189 p.

9. *Elizabeth Teague, 2010. A geochronological assessment into the evolution of the Wongwibinda Complex, southern New England Orogen. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 145 p.

8. *James Watton, 2009. Petrographic and geochemical characterisation of the Breaksea Orthogneiss, Fiordland, New Zealand. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 185 p.

7. *Shelley Allchurch, 2008. Petrographic, geochemical and age characterisation of crustal xenoliths from Coliban Dam, central Victoria, with implications for the early evolution of southeastern Australia, pre Lachlan Orogen. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 172 p.

6. *Peter Caffi, 2008. Evolution of an active metamorphic core complex, Suckling-Dayman Massif, eastern PNG. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 113 p.

5. *Sharlin Emami, 2008. Petrogenesis and geochemical characterisation of ultramafic cumulates from the root of a magmatic arc, Fiordland, New Zealand. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 141 p.

4. *Melissa Murphy, 2008. Petrography and geochemistry of oceanic crust: Provenance of sedimentary detritus, Macquarie Island. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 90 p.

3. *Cara Danis, 2007. The Wongwibinda Complex, New England Fold Belt: a tilted low-P–high-T terrane? [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 91 p.

2. *Nicole Harb, 2006. Fragmentation processes, depositional mechanisms and lithification of glassy fragmental rocks, Macquarie Island. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 86 p.

1. *Stephanie Carroll, 2005. Plutonism and metamorphism at the root of a Cretaceous Magmatic Arc, Fiordland, New Zealand. [B.Sc. (Honour’s) thesis]: Sydney, Australia: Macquarie University, 98 p.


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