Personal profile

Research interests

My research interests include multilingualism, children's literature, multimodality, multimodal literacy.


My doctoral project aims to extend our currently limited knowledge about how young children’s families and educators can foster linguistic diversity alongside multimodal literacy, that is, the ability to create and interpret meanings constructed through language, images and other communication skills. To achieve this, the project employs the concept of ‘translanguaging’ and ‘multimodality’, and examines how 15 Chinese-English bilingual parents read and talked about wordless picturebooks with their 4-to-5-year-old children and the potential of these interactions to support children’s multilingualism and multimodal literacy. The research findings have implications for parents, educators, children’s book authors and publishers 

Education/Academic qualification

Linguistics, Master degree, Multimodal move analysis and its application in popular science texts on WeChat, Xiamen University

10 Sept 201930 Jun 2022

Award Date: 30 Jun 2022