6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Dr Vincent Hurley with the persons below:
Eyal Karin
- Macquarie Medical School - Academic Casual
- School of Psychological Sciences - Honorary Senior Lecturer
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
Person: Teaching only, Honorary academic
Brian Cuddy
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Lecturer in Security Studies
Person: Teaching and research
Tim Doyle
- Department of Health Sciences - Associate Professor
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Jordan Wehrman
- School of Psychological Sciences - Lecturer, Academic Casual, Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow
- Macquarie School of Education - Professional Casual
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
Person: Professional, Teaching and research, Teaching only, Honorary academic
Lavina Lee
- Department of Security Studies and Criminology - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching and research
Associate Professor Monique Crane
- School of Psychological Sciences - Associate Professor, Organisational Psychology
- Performance and Expertise Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research