Chris Baumann
Person: Teaching and research
John Dumay
Person: Teaching and research
Matt Bower
Person: Teaching and research
Mauricio Marrone
- Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics - Associate Professor
- Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance
- Data Horizons Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Diogo Campos-Teixeira
- Department of Management - Academic Casual
- Macquarie Business School - Professional Casual
Person: Professional, Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching only
Prashan Karunaratne
- Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics - Senior Lecturer (Teaching and Leadership)
Person: Teaching only
Marco Montemari
External person
Morten Lund
External person
Christian Nielsen
External person
Zak Baillie
External person
Francesco Paolone
External person