12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Zhu Sun with the persons below:
Longbing Cao
- School of Computing - Distinguished Chair in Artificial Intelligence
Person: Teaching and research
Jia Wu
- School of Computing - Associate Professor
- Data Horizons Research Centre
- Future Communications Research Centre
- Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence
Person: Teaching and research
Guanfeng Liu
- School of Computing - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Data Horizons Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Amin Beheshti
- School of Computing - Professor in Data Science
- Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Data Horizons Research Centre
- Future Communications Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
Jian Yang
- School of Computing - Professor
- Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Data Horizons Research Centre
- Future Communications Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
William Zhao
- School of Computing - Research Fellow, Academic Casual, Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Research only, Teaching only, Honorary academic
Qiongkai Xu
- School of Computing - Lecturer in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Data Horizons Research Centre
- Future Communications Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research
James Zheng
- School of Computing - Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering
- Future Communications Research Centre
Person: Teaching and research