Bernard Shaw: Man and supermand and Saint Joan, a critical casebook

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project was funded by ARC in 1987 with the amount of $4,250.00 on its Humanities and Social Science grant (non digitalized) - A writer, editor, and educator, A.M. Gibbs is a literary scholar and expert on the works of Victorian-era Irish dramatist, critic, and author George Bernard Shaw.

    ARC description of this type of grants in archives non-digitalized but facilitated by ARC Staff in December 2020: Research here includes aspects of drama, such as the history of theatre and theatrical productions in Australia, or the use of local history for dramatic purposes

    Key findings

    Book published by Macmillan Education in 1992
    Available in MQ library
    ISBN : 0333398084 (pbk.)
    ISBN : 0333398076 (cased)
    Effective start/end date1/01/871/12/87