Can coastal floodplains of north Australia survive ferals and rising seas?

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Tropical Coastal Floodplains (TCF) are an iconic feature of northern Australia; however, recently they have
    experienced significant decline due to feral ungulates and relative sea level rise. The Indigenous Yirralka
    Rangers, who manage the Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area, need to know whether widespread culling of
    feral ungulates could reduce vegetation decline and erosion, and enhance floodplain resilience to sea level rise.
    These processes are possibly making floodplains a source rather than sink of carbon. To inform these questions
    and management interventions, we will disentangle and quantify, using cross-cultural and multidisciplinary
    techniques, the interacting and cascading effects of feral ungulates and climate change on TCF.
    Effective start/end date3/06/202/06/23