Collaborative science for monitoring of Northern Territory marine megafauna

  • Banks, Sam (Chief Investigator)
  • Harcourt, Robert (Primary Chief Investigator)
  • Day, Joanna (Partner Investigator)
  • Udyawer, Vinay (Partner Investigator)
  • Grech, Alana (Chief Investigator)
  • Kent, Chandra Salgado (Chief Investigator)
  • Smith, Ben (Partner Investigator)
  • Moyle, Feach (Partner Investigator)
  • McAdam, Dean (Partner Investigator)
  • Buckworth, Rik C. (Partner Investigator)
  • Burton, Danny (Partner Investigator)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    The project’s aim is to map population connectivity and critical habitat for coastal marine megafauna in remote northern Australian waters, providing a more informed scientific base for biodiversity monitoring and management. The project will employ cutting edge methods in genetics and movement ecology and unite Indigenous rangers with marine national park managers and scientists. Expected outcomes include enhanced capacity for monitoring and conservation planning and new partnerships that will improve research capacity in remote environments. Benefits include environmental management led by Indigenous Traditional Owners, sea rangers and marine park managers, and conservation benefits to coastal dolphin and sea turtle species.
    AcronymCDU Led
    Effective start/end date10/03/219/03/24