Project: Other
The Cross-currents: Gender and Transnational Broadcasting workshop, co-convened by Dr Jeannine Baker, Dr Justine Lloyd and Dr Kate Murphy (Centre for Media History, Bournemouth University), was held at Bournemouth University on 6–7 July 2017. It was enthusiastically attended by beginning and established academics, and postgraduate students, from the UK, Australia, Turkey, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. We were all delighted to hear the award-winning journalist Emily Buchanan (BBC World Affairs Correspondent 2001–2015), talk about her experiences as a foreign correspondent. The workshop stemmed from Dr Murphy’s successful visit to Macquarie’s CMH in February 2016. Plans are underway to publish two special issues of journals, based on papers from this workshop. From 26-29 June 2017 Dr Lloyd and Dr Baker were Visiting Fellows at the Research Centre Media History, Hamburg University. Dr Lloyd gave a presentation to students about the Australian film Dead Europe and Dr Baker delivered a seminar to International MA students, about Australian women working at the BBC in the 1940s to 1960s. Dr Lloyd and Dr Baker also met with CMH Honorary Associate Dr Hans-Ulrich Wagner, to discuss our 3-year joint project Transnational Media Histories, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Research output per year
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review