IBM AI - Australian Skillsbuild Grant - Academy of Continuing Professional Development in Education

  • Forbes, Anne (Primary Chief Investigator)
  • Hay, Iain (Chief Investigator)
  • Bamford Barnes, Leanne (Chief Investigator)

    Project: Other

    Project Details


    Macquarie University and IBM partner in the development of a Global Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Framework (K-12/post-secondary) and resources. The Department of Educational Studies has been nurturing a partnership with IBM over the past 18 months. As a result of this the MQ Academy of Continuing Professional Development in Education (ACPDE) was commissioned by IBM to develop a Global Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Framework which will be rolled out to partner countries including, India, UK, USA, with possible extension to Vietnam and the Philippines over the next three years. On 29 April, 2019 the IBM panel approved project grants for Australia, India and the USA. Each partner country has been funded to complete projects linked to the Global Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Framework. A key IBM partner in the USA involved in this project is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who will be developing resources and providing advice across a number of projects. MQ will be working closely with colleagues at IBM and MIT over the next 12 months. The Curriculum Framework now forms the basis of the next stage of projects funded by IBM ($307,000), The ACPDE will lead the following projects and will collaborate with partner countries in developing programs, materials and resources, the projects include: PROJECT 1 – DESIGN, DEVELOP & TEST A ‘COURSE AUDIT TOOL’· Provide a consistent and transparent methodology for evaluating and selecting online resources (for students and teachers) to be used in IBM AI Learning Pathways with respect to identified criteria such as: link to AI framework outcomes; engagement for learners (age/culture/activity mode…) etcPROJECT 2 – CONDUCT A REVIEW OF EXISTING RESOURCES, IDENTIFY GAPS· Use the resource audit tool to identify suitable resources/courses to be used in IBM AI Learning Pathways with respect to identified criteria identify gaps where resources need to be developedPROJECT 3 – DESIGN AND DEVELOP CAPSTONE PROJECTS: 12-18 YEARS· Identify/design suitable capstone projects for high school students that provide opportunities to demonstrate synthesised knowledge and expertise in each of the AI curriculum strandsPROJECT 4 – DESIGN AND DEVELOP CAPSTONE ASSESSMENT RUBRICS: 12-18 YEARS· Design assessment rubric/s for 12-18 years to ensure evaluation equity and quality assurancePROJECT 5 - DESIGN & IMPLEMENT PILOT TEACHER PL WORKSHOP· Use practising teachers’ views, suggestions and feedback to trial and implement resources and approaches for effective implementation of the AI Framework.PROJECT 6 – DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT TEACHER PL1. Use findings from Teacher Workshop to design teacher PL courses for each outcome for Years 7-12 (12-18 years) up to Level 3 (n= 27 courses)2. Design courses to align with ‘Proficient Level’ Australian Professional Standards, AQF Level 83. Correlate student badging resources with course design i.e., which online student resources can be used by teachers4. Each course to have an overview with pre-requisites, as well as resources, activities etc.5. IT platform to house teacher resources, capability for online community interactions etc.
    Effective start/end date26/07/1931/12/20