Lansdowne Aged Care Facility TechVoucher

Project: Research

Project Details


Lansdowne Aged Care Facility (Lansdowne ACF) has experienced a decrease in occupancy rate (currently operating at 79%; should be >86%) as a direct result from COVID-19. This has been exasperated with media accounts fuelling negative public perceptions around the quality of care from private providers. The royal commission findings into aged care made a number of important recommendations which aim to address the provision of care for the elderly. Lansdowne ACF offers a full residential aged care facility with specialist focus on servicing the Vietnamese and Indo-Chinese aged care community. Lansdowne ACF is committed to delivering excellent patient care and acknowledges that a strategic approach that identifies both short term and long term measures is required to align their business with the commission’s findings. The project consists of two phases: 1. Current state analysis: deliverables include: overview of systems, processes, and technology; competitor analysis, customer journey mapping (pre-purchase to community advocate). Recommendations will be made for Lansdowne ACF detailing prioritised longer term projects. A detailed project charter outlining the scope of work relative to impact will be developed following a workshop with leadership. 2. Research: a research project is proposed that explores the role of culture in aged care considerations.
Effective start/end date30/11/20 → 30/06/21