NSW Preschool Assessment Study: Review of Formative Assessment Practices in Early Childhood Settings

    Project: Other

    Project Details


    The NSW Department of Education (the department) is seeking proposals through a Request for Quote (RFQ) process from suitable external researchers or organisations to undertake a research project on formative assessment tools for early childhood education (ECE) services in NSW, focusing on children in their year before school (YBFS). The research services required are a literature review to identify best practice formative assessment tools and stakeholder consultations to evaluate the suitability of these tools for early childhood education (ECE) services in NSW. This project will be conducted to inform a project for the department’s Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) and the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Directorate.
    The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) within the Department is the central point of education evidence within the NSW Department of Education, and Australia's first dedicated hub of education data and evaluation.
    The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Directorate monitors, supports and regulates early childhood education services in NSW. The ECE Directorate works to ensure the delivery of quality early education for children from birth up to and including school age.
    Short titleFormative Assessment Practices in Early Childhood Settings
    Effective start/end date2/09/19 → 30/11/19