Play for All: Sharing Australia Inclusive Playground Knowledge with Japan

  • Tait, Kathleen (Primary Chief Investigator)
  • Silveira, Susan (Chief Investigator)
  • Terada, Mitsunari (Chief Investigator)
  • Yato, Yoko (Partner Investigator)

Project: Research

Project Details


Over the past 20 years, considerable attention has been paid to perfecting inclusive playground design and accessible playground equipment in Australia. In recognition of Australian expertise, Japanese colleagues have sought support for inclusive playground design. While Australia advocates for quality playground design, ‘inclusive’ design in Japanese playgrounds is the exception, not the rule. Importantly, Japan is committed to enforce United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child to recreation, play, and recreational activities (article 31). This should have influenced design and building of accessible playgrounds for children with disabilities (CWD) in this country. But this has not occurred. Japanese playgrounds are not accessible, and this excludes CWD. A recent survey of Japanese families sadly showed that they were “resigned to inaccessibility in current playgrounds”.

Collaborative work between Australian and Japanese partners has shown that while Australia is compliant with Australian standards, Japan is not. In fact, Japanese playgrounds barely meet the needs of children without disability, and falls short of providing a fun, inviting and safe play experience for CWD and their families. This critical finding will be shared with Japanese stakeholders, to support change that aligns with the Japanese culture and their willingness to support CWD.
Short titlePlay for All.
StatusNot started
Effective start/end date3/02/2530/01/26