Privacy and Security in Identity Solutions: Two Sides of the Same Coin

  • Kaafar, Dali (Primary Chief Investigator)
  • Kepkowski, Michal (Student)
  • Vatsalan, Dinusha (Partner Investigator)

Project: Research

Project Details


Currently deployed identity and access management solutions do not provide anonymity and untraceability features and they are highly vulnerable to identity-related cybercrimes. The aim of this project is to develop solutions that balance privacy and security of identity solutions.
Standard identity solutions are not prepared to realistically maintain privacy
and provide authentication at the same time. New frameworks such as selfsovereign identity (SSI) aim to enhance privacy preservation. This project will study how such modern identity frameworks, in conjunction with advanced cryptography, blockchains, advanced machine learning, and biometric authentication techniques can be used for privacy preserving identity and access management solutions.
Short titleTop-Up Scholarship
Effective start/end date1/01/2127/07/23