Tailored intervention for reducing falls after stroke trial (FAST)

  • Clemson, Lindy (Chief Investigator)
  • Dean, Catherine (Chief Investigator)
  • Ada, Louise (Chief Investigator)
  • Scrivener, Kate (Chief Investigator)
  • Jones, Taryn (Associate Investigator)
  • Lannin, Natasha A. (Associate Investigator)
  • Preston, Elisabeth (Associate Investigator)
  • Heller, Gillian (Associate Investigator)
  • Mumford, Virginia (Associate Investigator)
  • Cusick, Anne (Associate Investigator)
  • Isbel, Stephen (Associate Investigator)
  • Duncan, Pamela (Associate Investigator)
  • Gardner, Benjamin (Associate Investigator)

Project: Research

Project Details


Stroke survivors fall often with fall rates of more than twice that of the general older population, placing an enormous economic burden on the national health
system and society in general. The aim of Falls After Stroke Trial (FAST) is to test the effect of home-based, tailored intervention to reduce falls. A sample of
community-dwelling stroke (n=370) survivors who have completed formal rehabilitation will be randomly assigned to an experimental group (habit-forming
exercise and safety training), or a control group (usual care). The primary outcome measures will be falls recorded daily by the participants and monitored
monthly by a researcher blinded to group allocation. Secondary outcomes will be balance, self-efficacy, mobility, physical activity, community participation,
health-related quality of life healthcare utilisation and costs. Outcome measures will be collected on admission to the study, at 6 months and 12 months.
Outcome measures and data analysis will be carried out by a researcher who is blinded to group allocation.
Our primary hypothesis is:
1. That home-based, tailored intervention will be effective in reducing both the proportion of fallers and rate of falls over a one-year period in stroke
survivors living in the community.
Our secondary hypotheses are:
2. That home-based, tailored intervention will also be effective in improving: balance, self-efficacy, physical activity, community participation,
and health-related quality of life.
3. That home-based, tailored intervention will reduce healthcare utilisation and be cost-effective.
Stroke is the second biggest cause of death and third most common cause of disability worldwide. Stroke costs Australia an estimated $5 billion a year with
most borne by the survivor and their family. Our research team with international leaders in falls prevention and stroke rehabilitation is well positioned to make a significant contribution to reducing falls after stroke.
Short titleFalls after stroke
Effective start/end date21/06/1931/12/23