Uncovering connections between pattern formation theory and optimal search strategies

  • Tzou, Justin (Primary Chief Investigator)
  • Denier, Jim (Supervisor)

    Project: Other

    Project Details


    Pattern formation theory and optimal search strategies have traditionally been seen as two entirely unrelated areas. The former has been used to describe phenomena such as vegetation patterning in semi-arid environments, while the latter has arisen in applications such as protecting ecosystems from invasive species. Publications by the CI and collaborators have recently uncovered special geometries in which these two areas are closely linked. This project seeks to generalise these links, and in doing so, will extend the study of these two areas to more general geometries. The establishment of the links will allow easily obtained results in pattern formation to be applied to the very difficult problem of finding optimal search strategies.
    Short titleConnections between pattern formation theory and optimal search strategies
    Effective start/end date1/01/1931/12/20