Understanding the adaptive self-reflective practices that allow the development of resilience

    Project: Other

    Project Details


    This OSP will advance a continued program of research aimed at understanding the mechanisms involved in the development of resilience. The overall aim of this research is to examine the role of self-reflection in enabling everyday stressor experiences to be leveraged to develop resilience across the lifespan. This OSP will focus on: (1) research outputs progressing this agenda, (2) the advancement of key international collaborations with the German Resilience Center, and (3) exploration of cross-institution (Johannes-Gutenburg University) HDR supervision opportunities. This proposal aligns with Macquarie University’s Strategic Research Framework 2015-2024, in particular a focus on ‘healthy people’ and ‘resilient societies’.
    Short titleDevelopment of Resilience
    AcronymOSP 2020
    Effective start/end date3/07/202/01/21